| Hmm? And Mmm?|

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Nice to meet ya,
what's your name?

"You kissed him?" Jin excited as he clapped his both hands while Jimin made a wtf face.

When Jimin returned from the very surprise yet shocking information about the marriage from the restaurant. He straightly went to his gossip partner Jin.

Back to hotel scene- Yes, They talked and Jungkook told him to meet on Sunday--Another luxurious cafe shop.

Jimin went mute when he saw Jin's dreamy eyes. "Earth to Jin..we are not what you think about...we are actually not 'we'. Me and Him are separate..and I'm so much happy about that."

He said and Jumped from the kitchen counter and walked to his room with that jolly little foot dance. Jin sighs and shake his head and he receives a little popup sound from his mobile.

Annoying Doc 🩺🦦
Cafe ? 🫠


"What? No way?"

"Stop saying that..it's annoying" Taehyung throws the pillow on Hoseok's who catch without looking at him.

Jungkook shaked his head and sip his beer. They three are in another luxurious restrobar where Taehyung want to eat while they both drink.

"What you guys gonna do now ? Taehyung asked Jungkook while Hoseok also stared him.

"I don't know. I need to think,I'm glad that he also not interested in this stuff.." he sighs and took the cigarette along with lighter.

"But kooks..I think it's bad idea..in my opinion you should marry that guy..your father will kill you bruh" Hoseok said with wided eyes.

Jungkook casually exhaled the smokes "What you do if he kick you out of the office? You don't have any qualification..what you do for the food?" Hoseok asked while he saw Jungkook and back to Taehyung who confusedly stared at his boyfriend.

Jungkook dusted the ash on Hoseok's palm who ished at him "What? I'm not drunk..I spill the fact."

"If I had that situation I'll kill my friends and sell their parts to survive"

He said and leaved them in shock. Hoseok slowly went to Taehyung'ear and whispered "Time god..his is not mention us....right?"

Taehyung glared at him and slapped his own forehead.


"How about this ?" Mr.park show the book to his Mother who squint his eyes to see, along with Grandpa who drink his Tea as Jin sat beside while cut the homemade bun. There are all sat on sofa in living room of Jimin's house.

"Is that the theme ?" Jin peeked at the book.

"Yes.. Jin. Mr.Jeon called me today and told us to pick a theme from this book. He also said that it was their wish to do this-"

"A theme wedding?" Jin interrupted him. Mr.park wide his eyes "Yeah that's the source he said. And he said it's their daughter wish to his brother"

"Oo" Jin awwed at them.

"Kids these days think different" granny said as Jin asked her "How is your wedding happened grandma?"

"That's was an accident" grandpa as everyone laughed at it while grandma gives side eyes to them.

Jimin saw this while peeked at his room and he slowly closed the door as leaned on the door. "This is going worse" he bit his nails as he walk front and back "What should I do ? I need to meet him."



Another luxurious cafe Jimin thought and looked down at his lap. He felt anxiety to visit those luxurious cafe or restaurant. He sat at the last corner.

He tightly griped his bag and looked down. "Why he always came late?" Damn..he mumbled and heard the tab sound on the table.

He looked up and saw Jungkook who sat opposite to him. Jimin tsked while straightening his back.

"What do you wanna eat?" Jungkook asked him. Jimin glared at him "No thanks"

"Fine..1 Americano" he ordered and straight his back as he sit comfortably.

"So, do you have any plan ?" Jimin bit his lips. "Guess you have nothing!" Jungkook shaked his head.

"I have plan..you should tell your parents that you don't need this stuff" Jimin said.

"That's not gonna happen..I don't really good at talk especially with them" Jungkook said as he received his order.

Jimin eyes went blank.

"How about you? Just say you don't like me"

"I can't.. I can't..they'll convince me anyway"

Jungkook nodded "Parents are so excited for the marriage. They also choose theme for the wedding" Jimin sounded worries.

"Theme!? what the hell is that?" Jungkook finished his Americano.

"I don't know. Your father told my father to choose because it's your family wish to do."

"Really? This shit is sick" Jungkook placed the card on the table. Jimin noted everything as his stomach made a sound.. yeah I said no thanks but It doesn't mean..I don't need anything still how can he ignored that he should buy me cafe or something..damn who is this guy such a freak , I can't even buy on my own it's so costly.

"Hmm what?" Jungkook arched his eyebrows. "Nothing" Jimin shaked.

"Maybe we have to do something to stop them immediately" Jungkook said and took his phone. "Without hurting anyone" Jimin added.

Jungkook raised his both eyebrows at him "What? Are you gonna hurt anyone? If yes..please I'll leave immediately."

"I didn't say anything" Jungkook stated. "Maybe we will think about more ideas" he added. Jimin nodded "Tell me your number" Jungkook asked him

"What? Why ?"

"Just incase if I have an idea just to share..don't think too much" Jungkook raised his both hands.

Jimin looked him up and down "Here"

"What's your name ?"

"It's Jimin"

"Okie its Jimin"

For a good solid second they both talk with blank face no one smiled or cracked a joke.

They both exit the cafe as Jungkook stop "Why you don't wanna get married ?" He suddenly asked him.

"I have things to do...what about you?" Jimin slowly let out.

Jungkook sighs and dreamingly looked at sky "You know girls..fun..drinks..I'm not into those marriage stuff and especially not into Arrangement things"

Jimin nodded. Jimin thought was true apart from bad things..he just a boy who like drink , girls..An original Rich guy.

"Okie, I'm leaving..it's getting late"

"Yeah sure" Jungkook said and went to left side where the parking area as Jimin leaved to right side of the exit door.


☹️ updated!

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