|This and That|

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Through hell and heaven to reach you!

"Say Ahhhhhh" Jimin said while feed a piece of apple using fork to his grandpa. He took it happily and both laughed at eachother. They discharged him yesterday and Today Jimin took day off to take care his Grandpa. Now, Jimin and his grandpa both watch their favourite show, sat on comfortable fluffy sofa in living room while Jimin feeding his grandpa, an Apple. Jimin's family wasn't that rich nor poor. An affortable tiny home is enough for them.

By looking at this Moment from kitchen, Jimin's granny and Mr.Park shared soft looks at eachother. "He loves him so much" the old lady said while clean the kitchen counter.

"I didn't told him about father's condition. He thought his grandpa is healing" Mr.park said while sips black cafe. "Let's him know..now" she said as she placed the clothes on the corner while leaving the Kitchen.

"Chim,baby" she called as she sat beside her Husband.

"Yes, granny?" He responded while feed the apple to her, as she can't say no- She ate it Gladly, "Jimin " Mr.park called as he sat opposite to them. He turned to him.

"We decided something for you...." he said while placed the cup on table,

"W-what is it?" He asked nervously as he eyed everyone, "Not to be scary baby, it just a normal thing. But it's too early for you..." she said that last word with low tune.

"I don't think so Mom" Mr.park said, "What are you gonna say?" Jimin asked them. Everyone looked at Grandpa who sighs, "Chim..you love your grandpa right?"

"Of course I love you" he said and give him side hugged his grandpa "I had a wish Jimin, Could you do for me?" His Grandpa said as he hold Jimin, softly.

"What is it?"

"Can you get Married?"

"M-arry? Who?" Jimin withdraws his hands from his hold as he looked everyone while stoodup "This is what you decided for me?" He asked his Father, who sharing glance to his parents.

"No, Sorry grandpa" He said, "Marriage is not in My list" He added and runned to his room.


"So, I did the designs and she stitched the clothes" Susan said as she showed the papers to her Mother. She 'awww'ed at that.

"Stitching is most difficult thing Mom, Look at my hands" Mary showed her hands and her Mother kissed her hands.

"Thank you so much babies, I'm so happy to receive this" Mrs.Jeon said hugged the attire which their daughter designed for her.

"Please rate us on our company website" Susan added playfully, "please, Mummy 5 star is better" Mary played along with her.

"Oh come on, girls. This is awesome. Why don't you start a online business? Let me talk to your father about this" She added while took her phone to dial,

"Oh father is here" Both twins runned to hugged their father, who just arrived their home. "Did I miss something?"

"Look, honey. Girls made this" Mrs.Jeon shoeed to her husband. "This is beautiful" he exclaimed and hugged their daughter.

"Yes, we gonna made more" Susan said as bith runned to their room, "Careful girls" Mr.Jeon said while removed his coat and sat beside his wife.

"Honey, I met some good kid today" he said, as her wife confusedly stared at him, "In hospital, he is My employee's son. He is so gently and very good boy"

"What's his name?"

"Jimin, he is soon to be marrying someone"


"I don't know, Mr.park planning to do so. He just told me about this, and I didn't feel to asking anything to himㅡbut now I'm thinking about him..."

"Susan and Mary are still kids, not in their teen I want to see them having babies"

"No not them, honey. How about..."



"I don't think so, Jungkook is notㅡ"

Mr.Jeon hold his wife's hand "I know honey, but imagine this kid enter into Jungkook's life, change our son's life?, maybe they both made for eachother"

"Is good idea, but" she bit her lips to think, "I know he is brat but let's do some change in his life"

"Okie, but Let me meet him first" Mrs.Jeon giggled, "You will definitely like him," Mr.Jeon said as they both heard foot steps, Jungkook enter their houseㅡall neat and health, try not being drunk look.

"Where were you?" Mr.Jeon asked him, "Office stuff" he replied without looking at them, "Did u ate?" His mother says, "Yeah I did. I'm gonna sleep" He runned to his room and closed it.

"He is lying" Mrs.Jeon sadly said. "He is drunk too" they both looked at the way where Jungkook went. "Girls, drugs,drinks where is our son's life going?" Mrs.Jeon said while show the cctv which, Jungkook was dropped by some creepy girls.

"We need to do something"


Jimin wear that same shy smile, while he waiting at their same cafe at breeze evening,  only for Mr.Min. Jimin felt sad after argued to his family, he cried on his pillow last night.

So, Jimin decided after wipes his tears. He talked to myself They want to get married? Yes, It's true. But they didn't said whom I'm marrying to? Yes, of course.why don't I bought MrMin to home and told them I want to marry Mr.Min. ? Is it good idea ? Isn't it?

So, now he waiting for him. Mr.Min always visit this cafe at every Wednesday evening, so Jimin clearly knows today is the day that he gonna confess it. Once Mr.Min arrived Jimin gonna confess him. He hold the white mixed pink rose on his hands. He is coming, Jimin told himself when he saw Mr.Min coming but he talking to somone else, A girl?

Jimin confusedly looked at them, who is she? And he literally forgot that they neared him. "Hey Jimin, what are doing here?" Mr.Min asked while Jimin hided his rose behind his back.

"No, I-I'mㅡ" he lost it, he want to know who the hell is she?

"Anyway, I really need you to meet her, she is Kyle My fiance. Kyle meet My favourite student Park Jimin" Mr.Min said as she extend his hands to him.

Fiancé ?

Jimin blankly give his hands to her, he scanned them how Mr.Min hold her waist and how she smiled when Mr.Min compliments her....she is the one for him..

Not me..

"I-I gotta go..." Jimin mumbled and passed them to leave but paused and back to meet them, "Here" He gave the rose to her, "Congratulations, I'm happy for you" He said as Mr.Min and kyle giggles at him, "Thankyou" Mr.Min said and hugged him like how his father hugged him.

Jimin controlled his tears as he smiled to them and heeled to leave, the mistake is mine, I saw him like how juliet saw romeo but for him I'm just his another favourite student.

He cried while travelling to his home, it's hurts. He didn't know that Mr.Min is got engaged,it was hard. As he arrived to his house, his father and grandparents are sat on the living room because it's dinner for them, they waited for Jimin.

When Jimin saw everyone, he paused at the way..he didn't want to say this, but he have to do for his Grandparents. "My apologies for my yesterday behaviour, I genuinely felt sad about Myself. And I'll do this Marriage for you. The answer is yes"

Jimin said and runned to his room with tears. He didn't know why he did this to himself, but he love his family more than himself.

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