|Little and hard|

282 24 3

You're the right time
at the right moment

"Cafe is enough. I'm leaving" Jin said as he picked his belongings while eyes the latter who stunned at him.

"Wait ..wait" Namjoon pay the bills and runs to Jin's back. "That's it?" He asked once he side by side walked with him.

"Yeah that's it..what do you expect me to do?"

"Stop judging me...I'm not expecting anything from you..." Namjoon flashed at him.

"I'm not judging you Mr.Namjoon. You just make me think worse"

"Fine let's talk"

"Talk is not happening" Jin said and slightly smiled at Namjoon's upset face.Jin know what Namjoon want he just playing to him..just make him fun.

"Heyyyy" He said while hugged his left arms and move close to him.

"What" tiredly said Namjoon. "I just kidding...let's go somewhere.."

"I'm not coming anywhere..let go" Namjoon try to withdraw his hands.

"Oh! Let's go eat Ice cream...come on.." Jin forcedly pulled him together. "A date" Jin whispered and Namjoon eye goes wide.."What?"


"So,that's how I got selected at the competition" Jimin said while he chewing his pasta.

Jungkook eyes traveled on him as he chewing his own food. They meet for the plan to cancel The marriage suddenly the topic goes another way when Jungkook asked about the paint tint on Jimin's hand which he forget to wash while leave to meet him urgently..and then  Jimin start to narrate his story.

They talked random things most of the talk is about Jimin, because Jimin is talkative one. Jungkook couldn't complain about it somehow he loves listen to him.

"So..." Jimin paused.."What your family doing?" Jimin bring that topic from nowhere. Jungkook sighs and took another slice from his food.

"I have two sisters. They're doing stuff like..stitches clothes.."

"Really...?" Jimin excited.

"Yeah..they stitch and sell their clothes online..it's a pretty viral sites"

"Wait..is that Moonstar clothing ?"

"Yeah I think so.."

"What.... I bought some shirt from in it. Their products are affordable and the quality is awesome."

"Did you brought it ? Like really...?"

"Why not ? You wear it for free right because they are your sister.."

"No I never really have stuff with them..."

Jimin confusedly titled his head.."Is stuff is the word that you always use to say whenever you're not comfortable with that topic ?

Jungkook laughed all the sudden " it's not like that..it's uh.."

"Kinda stuff right?" Jimin laughed as Jungkook burst out.

The bill arrived "Can we just meet some other restaurant or cafe..May be I'll decide." Jimin awkwardly said while Jungkook payed with the phone.

"Why? Is that any query about foods?"

They stood up and exit the restaurant. As Jungkook walked to Jimin..

"Oh! No no way the foods are damn good..it's just too expensive and I can't afford it." Jimin mumbled the last words.

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