|Eyes and Eyes|

308 27 2

California eyes-

"Is it real? Are we gonna make this?" Mr.Jeon asked his wife who corrected her hair infront of the Mirror , she is in Beautiful red attire.

"Yes, Honey... Didn't expected that.... Jungkook was stubborn but remember he is our son"

"What if he had another plan?"

She stopped doing her hair and turned to her husband, with questioning eyes "Because he had My blood too" he said while shrugged  it.

"Honey, listen...we promised to Jungkook that we give the best for him, when he was born..we made vows... we can go through this.. didn't we?" She said and hugged his husband.

"Yes, we can do it" he whispered

"Can't wait to have Jimin in our house" she suddenly excited and looked at her husband "Jimin could change our son and he make our house more beautiful..."

"I don't think Jungkook let Jimin to stay here, he want be alone with them"

"Well, Let it be.. Maybe we could expect grandchildren soon"

They both smiled with the thought of their son's future.


"I don't like when you smirk" Hoseok said while looked at Jungkook who blankly stare at Mirror image of himself.

"What's your plan?" He asked him,

"...." Jungkook looked at him then back to stare his reflection on the Mirror. "Today is the day... The day that gonna decide what gonna happen next"

Hoseok blankly blinked and turned to Taehyung "He gonna meet him at hotel around 8... dinner Meeting I guess."

"Alone?" Hoseok wided his eyes. Taehyung raised his single eyebrows "Uncle Jeon isn't fool, he well known about his son, so he won't let him meet alone."

"Ahh, A family dinner or we gonna say little engagement" Hoseok started to tease Jungkook who wear blank face while took his keys from the table.

"Both please out, I don't see any white cream on my table" He said and close the door shut and didn't give a fuck.


"It's luxurious" Grandma stated after they sat on the long table, probably Jeon family booked for them. The park family arrived before 10 minutes and they always on early.

Jimin wasn't here mentally but physically presented and obediently sat with his hands both hold while he placed it on lap. He wear a very formal attire which is much not costly but he looks fabulous, red suits him- his father selected for him, and everyone thought he looks good but Jimin, he wasn't prepared, he is not sad or curious or happy. He just blank. He doesn't want to get married for now, and his crush yoongi's memories still playing on his heart. He sighs while looking at his hands that's are sweaty, he just he could get some fresh air..with that thought plays he heard the Jeon family welcoming them.

"Sorry we are late, little traffic" Mrs.Jeon said and sat herself along with his huband.

"That's totally okie, we always arrive early to avoid this stuff" Grandma said sarcastically and Mr.Jeon smiled awkwardly, He looked around to find Jimin, "Oh! Hello Jimin" He said and gain Jimin's attention.

Jimin smiled cutely or we could say fakely, he had no issue with Jeon family- ofcourse- maybe for now. "Hello Mr and Mrs.Jeon" he politely said to them.

They are adored more, because Jimin in red suits with that cute smile- could everyone fall for it.

Mr Jeon being in nervouse while see his wrist watch and the entrance of the restaurant. Took his mobile to dial his son's number-

"Excuse me, I need to use restroom" Jimin said and nodded to everyone- throw some fake smile and politely leaved before someone stops him.

Mr. Park looked at Jimin, who leaved and back to look at his Mother- she nodded "Nervous" she whispered and Mr.Park nodded as he smiles.


He Sighs, when he inhales fresh air. Jimin didn't went to restroom as we judged. It's just excuse to leave that damn table. He overthinks to do any case but also he, himself denied.

He try to run away for a second before but stopped at the Midway. He sighs again and stared at the black sky filled with stars.

"Let's just pass this" he closed his eyes as the wind passed him, his bangs danced to it. He clapped his hands together and dusted his attire.

He went back to the table that filled with laugh, he could hear-even if he didn't look. "Here Jimin comes" Mrs.Jeon said as Jimin looked straight.

He saw that everyone looked at him, expect one person. Jimin could easily judged it was him. He could see the mullet hair which is  black and his ears are  milky white, he eyed everyone and sat beside his father. It was exact opposite to him.

Jimin didn't see him also he didn't feel like that person staring at him, Mr.park "So, then?" Raised his voice.

"Let them talk" Mr.Jeon said and everyone gotup expect the Jimin and Him. Jimin looked at his father and granny with puppy eyes "Talk to him" Granny whispered cutely and Jimin awkwardly nodded-No.

After they leaves-

Jimin still didn't look at him, as he stare everything while Jungkook on the other side  looked left side and right side without making eyes at him.

They both sat opposite and silent-

Jimin heard a long sighs from that Man and he gulped while tapped his fingers at his lap. Jimin just wished, he could just getup and walk away like he is alone in this table.


He heard and he slow turn to look at his face, finally. Not bad, he is good that's what Jimin thought once he saw him.

"What?" Jimin asked him, while looking at him straight.

"Can we go out and talk?" Jungkook whisperly said, Jimin made a confused look. He is stranger for now-How can I trust and agree to go out ? Jimin debated.

But he noticed that Jungkook hadn't do any suspicious thing, Jimin just scanned him again. Jungkook looked around and back to stare at Jimin, "What?" Jungkook raised, once he noticed Jimin's scanning stare.

Jimin just scanned and looked around to find his family but they where no around and he thought that they leaves him, he sighs again "Okie, where?"

Jungkook got up without saying as Jimin followed him.


Late update!

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