|Confused and nervous|

365 31 1

At every table, I'll save you a seat

Jungkook parked his car at the parking place, he dusted his shirts, he corrected his hair in rear views as he smelled his mouth, it crystal clear shows that he is drunk. He sighs while pick the mouth fresher cum and chewed it for while, and he smelled it, this time it was little fresh.

He looked back seat to check if he had any women clothes or something and got nothing, he smirked and locked the car.

He entered the Mansion with casual walk, when he enter living room, he heard giggles and talks

"I'm so excited" Susan jumped to hug his father, "Whose idea is this?" Mary asked them, "Me but Your Mother approved executed it"

"Can we meet him, I'm so happy to welcome him" Susan said, "Yes, I need to design a shirt for him" Mary making a thinking face,

"We need to wait atleast two or three Months, they just take 2 weeks to say yes, then they definitely take Months to get Married" His Father said, "And then we gonna have him"
Susan and Mary both laughed, They are the definition of Happy family in fairy tale,

Jungkook rolled his eyes once he heard their conversations, He saw four of the person sat on the sofa, his Mother and Father on the right side and his two twins on the left, look like they really had Good family talks,The talk was stopped once he entered the living room, To be honestㅡJungkook hate to talk to their family, especially his sisters. He choose to ignore it while climb the staircase butㅡ

"Jungkook" his Mother called him, he backed  to start of step and looked at her "How about greeting your family,?" His Father added, while their twins sister looked at eachother.

"We need to talk" Mrs.Jeon said, Jungkook thought that they gonna lecture him again, so he mentally prepared not to listen them, he stand infront of them while looking around on the house,maybe ceiling too, leaving everyone's eye contact.

"Jungkook, we are done. We try to tell you about your life gonna change in future, but you're blesses your father being rich and never made you beg for Money"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, and that hurt Mrs.Jeon as she titled her head at him, "Jungkook look" she weakly said, "We decided you to Marry Mr.Park son"

Ok marriage... what the heck? Son? Did I heard it clearly..?

"What?" This time, Jungkook lost his brain cell.

"Yes, we decided. And we made a little meeting on sunday evening. I hope your presence on it.I send you a loction. If you refuse this, then I don't know what I should to Make you a Man" She wiped her tears, "That's it, Have a Good Night" She said and leaved to her Room, as one by one everyone leaved him.

Jungkook looked at everyone, as No one explained to him, what the heck is happened now? He had No one to ask since he stopped talking to everyone unless he need anything, only to Mother and sometimes Father, he sighs and kicked the floor, he can't even scream..But he can't take the one thing to his heart which is his Mother's tears.

He picked his phone and dialled Taehyung I'd while speedup on the staircase, to enter the room and closed it with loud sound.

"Evn tho He hates us, He can't resist your tears" Mr.Jeon said after he heard the loud sound from Jungkook's room. "Did I raised him wrong? Why he hate us..?" She cried again, "Don't be.." Mr.Jeon hold her hands, "No, He changed a lot, he stopped talking to his sister, and you and Now Me" She cried as Her husband hugged her tightly.


Jimin stopped his internship as he searching online Job, or Mini project to design. To get distract some Mr.Min, like he decides himself, Jimin worked hard to seach Jobs.  For a week seeking jobs, he found a website that they offer good salary in online, but he need to send some sample designs, being architect is not easy, he should be creative, be a good artist, try to impress client.

As Jimin being a good student, his sample got selected and got a Job in it. He is so happy, he is now working on the new Mini project design, it was an apartment project where he need to design only for car parking.

He was too into the work, that he didn't heard knock, and suddenly he came back to reality and opened his door to see, his father, grandparents standing infront of his room.

"I'm sorry dad, I've been sketching that I forgot to open the door, I'm sorry" He thought they are afraid of him being working hard but it is not!

"We need to talk chim" his father said, as everyone sat on the Jimin's room as Jimin obediently sat on his tiny chair, looking at the three of them, with that puppy eyes. He knows something is wrong but he Don't know what is wrong.

"What is it?" Jimin nervously asked, because three of them being silent after entered in his Room.

"We always want you to be happy, right?" Mr.park asked as Jimin slowly nodded to him. "Everything is your choice which you took in your life and being successful in it. We really happy to saw you like this.." he added, "We are proud of you chim" Granny said as she hold his hands, Jimin was confused and proud at the same time.

"Chim, we decided you to marry Jeon's son" Grandpa said and Jimin was shocked while parted his lips "Jeon's son?" He asked, "We all know your sexuality chim,and we won't judge you"

"So, are you gonna say yes,? Is your grandpa's wish chim" Mr.park asked him nervously, Jimin slowly turned to his grandpa and to granny then to his father, he had No option to say No other than blaming the Jeon's son. He need time, time to think, but anyhow he is gonna say yesㅡ because it was his grandpa's wish.

His thoughts are flying away to his past, he lost  his Mother, at very young age. His granny is second Mother. The family did everthing to him, so he himself thought to sacrifice his life for them just once, but somehow it's his life, he want to live, No one could rule his life.  he slowly looked down, he is confused, nervous and he thought for second and decided, this is the right choice and he mumbled "I need to think"

The three of them nodded slowly and smiled to him, "Take all your time honey" Granny said and kissed his head. His father hugged him tightly as Jimin let out his tears, which No one noticed.

"Chim, Remember I always Love you...but I want to say that I really wish to see you married happily.." his grandpa said and caressed his head and leaved him.

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