|Real and Reel|

230 26 3

Take me home where I belong !

Awkward filled the surrounding as Jimin sighs and continue to sketch the buildings blocks for review. He is in another luxurious Juice shop and he arrived at Time while the person who said is half and hours late. Jimin still counting the minutes and drew the building he had been working.

"Sorry I'm super late" Jungkook panted while sat comfortably as he throw his car key on the table.

Jimin glared and closed his sketch note. "Don't be late..I have lot of work to do" he harshly said.

Jungkook just smiled "Ah really! what do you do Mr.it's Jimin?" He said and raised his hands to order.

He ordered for himself and turned to Jimin "Other than No thanks,Can you order something?" Jungkook said and give a positive smile.

Jimin slightly smiled as well and ordered for him.

"So, what's the Hot news ?"

"Unicorn is the theme of the wedding."

"Ew..what the hell? How the fuck people still believe in unicorn"

"Me thoo" slowly let it by Jimin.

"Really bruh, are you in to this things?"

"It's better than drugs and girls" Jimin snapped and Jungkook sarcastic smile dropped. "Did you find any girls?" Jimin added.

"No,I'm searching.."

"What ? Really ? Thought you had lots of girls but can't find one" It's Jimin time to sarcasm.

"Yeah exactly, got so many and can't pick one..what can I do..is it My fault to being born handsome" Jungkook smiled while give him side eyes.

Jimin made a disgusting face. "What? You will fall for me If you were a girl"

"Oh! Please I already having hard time." Jimin made tired face. Jungkook just scanned all the notes and bags. He had been noted Jimin for bring always a bag and charts.

"What's all this ?"

"Oh! Ah this is My job."

"Job !? Are you doing job ?"

"Yeah..what do you think about me...I'm an Architect"


"Yeah..I do design and do project in online." Jimin explained as Jungkook being surprised. Jimin suddenly show his project plan to him.

"Oh! That's impressive. Did you do that?" Again Jungkook asked him.

"No..My hands did"

"Hy nice joke..remember When I go home I'll send you hahaha" while gives the note to Jimin.

"What do you do?"


Jungkook just went silent and thought for a second wait what I do ? I work in my father's office ? Wait I actually never worked..

"I-I umm I-uh I actually work with father's office..you know to help him" Jungkook lied.

"Oh! How ?"

"How..uh..you know..stuff like... you know it's a help.." Jungkook said and tightly smiled.

Jimin confusedly titled his head "Okie..Good one" he approved.

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