| Deal and Deal|

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Cause he was sunshine and I was Midnight rain

"What if he kidnapped me?" He said while hugged himself as he wear a worried face. Jin rolled his eyes at him "Sure to god"

Jimin sat on the kitchen counter while crossed legs as Jin preparing snack for him to eat..a pancake.

"What?" Jimin asked him while Jin feed little bit of pancake piece to taste it as Jimin nodded and assured it was good.

He placed the pancake on plate while cuts the fruits as he shaked his head to Jimin who been ranting uselessly "Stop it Jimin. I don't know why you worrying about the thing that will not happen to you?"

"Yes, you're right.but what if-"

Jin puts the knife down "The fuck Jimin.stop overthinking what if he is actually a good boy and asking you for date ?"

"A date ?" Jimin wided his eyes as he made a shocked face.

"Yeah why not ? What if he is the guy who date before marrying someone?" Jin asked while Jimin blankly looked at him."May be he want to know about you before marrying you?"   Jin excitingly said.

Jimin stared him for a second and opened his mouth.

Jin dropped his smile and glared at Jimin "What's your plan Jimin ? What are you gonna do for it ? You are not up to date and you are not up to for any positivity. Focusing only on negative and bad things and keep judging him in bad way?"

Jimin looked down as he bit his lips "Listen Jimin..what you think is what you became..so stop being bad or stuck at bad things. Stop judging people" he snapped at him.

Jimin sighs as he looked down. "I can't stop judging him" Jin tsked "He didn't give me a chance to stop judging him"

Jin eyes him from ups and down "okie give him a chance.meet him, he proves you wrong without proves you." He said and took the cafe and biscuits on the plates "It's time Jimin." And leaved him.

Jimin saw the clock..and he again looked down. "Let's see"


"No way " Hoseok screamed while following Jungkook who is Just sat on the sofa of his office, he just told him that he gonna meet that guy- that guy in the sense it's Jimin.

"In what way?"

"So you gonna talk? Like a real talk ?" Hoseok confusedly asked.

"Yeah talk" calmly said by Jungkook.

"Like A talk-talk?"

Jungkook slowly turned to glare at Hoseok. "Geez..Jungkook is now talking lol. You never really explain or talk. This is the first ever time that I heard from you."

Jungkook poked his tongue on his cheeks and got from his seat while checking his wrist watch "It's not like other stuff..it's my life and I need a clear talk." He paused and stare at Hoseok "I'm leaving"


Sharp at eve My ass

Jimin mentally cursed his soon to be fiancé who he thinks he is bad guy. He arrived at the luxurious restaurant which he believed he never visit again. He not even dressed well,A normal attire for go out. Now he is sitting alone on the corner.

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