Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- a start

Harry's POV.

I sat on my bed, thinking. I felt a little jealous that Zayn got to spend the day with Ziara. I couldn't fall asleep, so I got up and headed downstairs.

"You were standing there, on your usual corner.

Paying no attention, I didn't get to see the former.

The day was moving along, yet we stayed.

The things I did to see you, the messes I made.

The girl on the street,

They say she has no name

But she's always willing to play the game.

She's an angel in disguise,

I never want to say my goodbyes."I started singing as I grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote it down. I sat down on the couch and felt my eyelids get heavy. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep

-next morning-

I woke up to banging on my door.

"I'm coming mate!" I shouted I trudged up to the door and opened it to reveal the guys.

"Morning." I yawned.

"Morning." Liam greeted. The others say hi and came into the flat.

"Zayn!? You're here mate!" I said in surprise as he came in.

"I go missing for a day! A day! And all of you act as though I've been gone for a century." He laughs. I chuckle and close the door behind him.

"What's this?" Louis asked as he looked at the sheet. I walk over and take the sheet away from his hands.

"It's not finished." I point out, he shrugged and let the matter drop.

"What did you do with Ziara yesterday?" I ask.

Well, first we sang a song, then we went to the fair and last, we are at nandos." Zayn answered.

"Must have been fun." Niall said quietly. I nodded, he was a lucky guy, what I would do for a day like that...

"Harry, I suggest that you would get changed because we have an interview in 30." Liam suggested. I looked down and hurried upstairs; changing into jeans, a sweatshirt, and shaking my hair. I came down and headed toward the van that was waiting for us outside. Pretty soon we arrived at the studio and headed in.

Liam's POV.

We sat down on the couch and waited for the interviewer.

"Hello boys! How are you?" A voice asked as a girl came in and sat down on the chair opposite us.

"Great" "Amazing" "Alright" "Tired" we said as Niall just shrugged.

"Okay, well... Um, well, so these are going to be questions asked from by the fans, the first one..." The interviewer chugged on. Soon it was all over and we rushed out of the door, wanting not to be pushed by everyone else.

"That was something." Lou said, putting his hand on the back of his head.

"That was boring." Niall stated as we laughed. We walked around the city.

"I wonder where everyone is.." Harry sighed as we looked around.

"Guys... I don't think we are supposed to be here." I said quietly as I turned to look behind me. They turned to look my way and we stared. There were seven guys who were as tall as Paul and beefy. They towered over us with a sly grin. Zayn grabbed our arms and made us go down an ally.

"Zayn! Where are we going?!" Harry shouted. He didn't answer, as just kept pulling us along. He stopped at a door and held a finger to us.

"Wait here." He commanded. We slightly nodded and stood there. Zayn went inside and walked back out in a couple minutes, pulling us in.

"Henry, these are my friends." Zayn stated. We looked up and...

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