Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- danger is lurking

Niall's POV.

I sat there at the bar, twirling the empty beer bottle between my finger. The club I was in was at full blast. the music was pounding in my ears and was getting flippin annoying. I don't know why I ended up here. I don't know why I wanted to be alone. I just did.  

"Hey boy, you seem pretty lonely tonight. Wanna dance?" A voice asked as I felt a hand creep up from my arm to my shoulder. I shook my head as a reply and turned to look toward the voice. It was a girl about 18 years of age, having blond hair, pale skin, green eyes, and a small frame.  

"Come on! Have some fun!" She giggled. "I promise it'll be a good time." With that, she gave me a wink.  

"No. Go away." I muttered as I turned back toward the bar.  

"That's no fun! Don't be so grumpy!" The girl teased. I didn't answer her and just kept looking straight forward. I heard a 'hump' and footsteps walked away from me. Dang, I couldn't even be left alone in a club. I stood up and left some pounds to pay the bartender. I stepped out of the club an headed down the street. There weren't many people on the streets of London at around 11 o'clock in the evening.  

"Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair
She acts like summer
And walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change
Since the return from her stay on the moon  
She listens like spring, and talks like June
Tell me, did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way  
To see the lights all faded  
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar  
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there." I whisper-sang as I remember the song. The song that I first sang to Ziara. 'Oh come on Niall, you know you can't have her. She wouldn't like you the same way. Besides, you don't like her in that sense. Your just lonely!' A voice in my head told me. I nodded, agreeing with the voice. So why was I thinking like this? 'That doesn't matter, just stop it Niall' I coached to myself. Might as well go home, there's nothing on the streets for you. I soon got to my flat, unlocking my door. I stepped inside, but something seemed clearly wrong. I walked inside the living room, seeing that nothing was wrong... But there was still that feeling. A light switched on and there in all his ego, sat... Derek. I stood, frozen in place as he began to laugh.  

"What are you doing?" I barked at him.  

"What do you think?" He asked. I moved my hand to my pocket and got out my phone.  

"I wouldn't even try." Derek threatens as he brings up Grim. I put my phone back in my pocket and hold up my hands in surrender. I had seen with my own two eyes the damage that thing could cause and I didn't want to see it again.  

"I'm here to give you a warning. One warning only. You tell your friend to stay away from her. She's not his." He tells me.  

"I can't tell him that." I started to protest.  

"You can and you will." He said, pointing Grim at me. I gulped as I stared down the knife.  

"Look, lover-boy, I don't have time for your silly games." He said as he pushed me against the wall. "Ziara is mine. Always will be. You stay away, and I can try to not kill your friend." I try to resist, but he keeps holding me down. His knife slides toward my arm and he cuts into my skin, creating an XX. I cry out in pain, but their is nothing I can do about it.  

"Be real careful Boy. I'm always watching." He says as he starts to walk toward the back door. "Oh, and I won't hesitate to hurt Ziara again if you two can't watch yourselves."  

"Why you little son of-" I started to say.  

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Choose your words carefully, Niall. I don't forgive easily. You can ask Ziara what happened to her family when she disobeyed me. Oh wait, haha, she doesn't know." He cackles. I look at his back in horror as he exits through the back door. Well, what an ending to end a night.

Liam's POV.

It was around midnight when I woke up to someone calling me.  

"Hello?" I asked, my voice sounding groggy. A voice that I recognized as Niall's started talking really fast as though he was scared.  

"Niall. Calm down, now what happened?" I asked again.

"Derek was here, and he threatened Harry, then he threatened me as well.. Then he told me to watch what I was saying. HE CRAVED INTO MY SKIN, LIAM!! He said he was always watching, and.. and he said something about Ziara's family, like they were dead and she doesn't know." Niall explained/stuttered. 

"Meet me at Harry's we have to tell them." I told them and I heard him start to protest. "Niall, not now. We have to tell them." I hung up the phone, and changed into some jeans, and a shirt. I walked down the hallway and went out to go to Harry's house. Poor boy, he must be really scared if he starts to stutter... I raced over to Harry's flat and stood beside the door, waiting for Niall. A minute later he came and we knocked on the door. We had to wait a minute before he opened the door and we walked inside. 

"Guys what are you doing here so early?" Harry asked, still groggy. Niall and I sat down and Harry went to the kitchen to give us something to drink. I heard shuffling come down the stairs and waited for the person to come into the living room. 

"Niall, Liam? What are you two doing here?" A voice asked. I looked up and saw Ziara. I smiled up at her and she plopped down onto one of the seats. Harry came back into the room and put down the glasses. He then saw Ziara and put his hands on his hips. 

"Ziara! What are you doing? You should be back in bed!" He told her. She gave him a look and he sighed, sitting down in the other chair. 

"Harry... Ziara needs to hear this too." I told him. The two sat up and looked at each other with concern. Harry motioned for me to continue. I pointed to Niall and he took the floor. The Irish-lad repeated the whole story, adding a detail here and there. 

"Niall, can I see the crave?" Ziara asked as he finished the story. He lifted up his left arm and showed the double X. Ziara closed her eyes for a second and sighed. 

"We really need to watch out." The girl whispered. We turned toward her, asking the question 'why?'. 

"Usually it means, you're next. Sometimes it's a message to a person.. This one is probably for me, since I am the one that ran away from him." She explained. 

"So... What are we going to do?" Harry asked. I don't know... For once, I don't know what to do. 

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