Chapter 19

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Chapter 19- A backward step

Ziara's POV.

Shoot, shoot, shoot. Why does he have to play games? Who plays games with someone's feelings? Oh, wait, Derek does!

This is really getting out of hand. I held the 3rd note that he sent me. The first one being the one I found when Harry's door was locked. How did he come in? Never mind that. But why does he play? Why does he play with my feelings?

Hello sweetheart,

It's almost time! Can you believe that I have been quiet for all this time? It's almost as though I was never there! But don't worry, I bring you home soon. A new home though, one you don't remember. I can't wait for you to come back. Be sweet for me.

XX Derek

P.S you say anything, and Pretty boy will be first... Catch my drift?

Harry... Oh, why did I have to meet him? Right when I was still worried about my past. Why does he always come and find me? He usually just lets them be... So why did he come after me?

Don't get me wrong, I love Harry. I've come to realize that. It's just I don't deserve him. He deserves someone that isn't broken, someone that doesn't have such a difficult past. Someone that wouldn't bring him in any harms way.

That's what I do. I put him in harms way. I hurt him and he doesn't even see it. Of course, Derek hasn't done anything yet. Yet, how does one get over the fact that they're hurting their loved one.

"We gotta think of something." I muttered to myself. Maybe I should just let myself be caught. It would be better. And maybe he won't come after me. It would be best, wouldn't it? I sit down on the couch and put a note on the couch.

Hi Harry,

If your reading this, then I'm gone. Not as in dead (gone) but as in away again. You may not know, but I'm hurting you. I don't want to hurt you, I love you. Maybe we'll see each other again, but under happier situations. I want you to be happy, and it's not when your life is being threatened by me. Yes, Harry, it is. Remember that I love you. Bye...

XO Ziara

Ps. 'So hold on to me tight. Hold on, I promise it will be alright. Cuz we are stronger here together, than we could ever be alone. Just hold on to me, don't you ever let me go. Hold on to me, it's gonna be alright. Hold on to me tonight. They always say, we were the lucky ones.'

I put the note on the coffee table and grab my jacket. I didn't take anything else, how would I take it with me? Ill just leave it with him, as a parting gift. As I put my jacket on, I head towards the door.

"Bye Harry. Bye guys. Bye Henry. Ill miss you." I whispered as I close the door. Walking down the streets, I knew he was following me. He had been trailing me since the first note. Though, when you think of it, Niall's were the first note. The two Xs.

I couldn't stop thinking of that song. 'Hold on' by Michael bublé, it was our song. Other then Girl On The Street. Yet, hold on was how we both felt with each other. I felt a tear escape, and let it fall to the ground.

"They always say we were the lucky ones." I whispered. Yeah, so much for lucky huh? I stopped near the park and waited. I waited and waited until I saw a figure heading toward me.

"Derek." I greeted as I stared at his figure. He stood there, confused. Then he smiled, a cruel smile that I had hoped I would never see again.

"Ziara." He said. Walking to the back of me, he bound my hands but stood close to me. This way it looked as though we were just a couple, nothing more.

"Come on. Lets go."

Niall's POV.

Harry and I walked to his flat. The silence around us was bugging me. It's not like it was a bad silence, I just didn't like things quiet.

"So..." I started, not knowing what else to say. Harry looked at me, raising an eyebrow and I shrugged. Just then my stomach growled and we started to laugh.

"Yeah, sure. We'll get something on the way." Harry said as he laughed. I laughed with him and we headed over to nandos since it was close by. Ordering our food, we sat down in a booth.

"So how are things?" I asked him as I took a drink from the cup in front of me.

"Good, nothing's really changed since last week. Don't tell Ziara I said this, but it looks like her leg is still giving her some pain." Harry told me.

"Really? After all this time?"

"Yeah, though its very little. You have to know to look for it, otherwise you won't see it." I nodded as he explained.

"Thanks." We both said as a waitress handed us our food.

"Your welcome boys." The lady said. She looked around for a second before turning to us again.

"There was a man here earlier. Real creepy man, and he asked about you two. I told him we've never seen you before." She started. "He told us to tell you he's got point one, or that he will. Just thought you outta know." She walked away and I continued eating

my food.

"Well, so much for a normal lunch." Harry stated. For some reason, I started to laugh and he smiled cheekily at me. Then he joined in and we got stares from others. He finished before me and I put my fork down after finishing the food.

"Lets go." He said after paying. I had protested to him paying but he had already payed when I was eating, so I didn't really notice.

"Just pay for lunch next time." Harry shrugged as we walked out on the streets. I agreed and we continued on our walk to his flat.

"At least it's getting warmer." I stated.

"Yeah about time it was." He agreed.

"So, any other song yet?"

"Not yet... But then you never really know when inspiration strikes." We both laughed at his statement before I went with another question.

"It was about her wasn't it? The song. It was about Ziara."

"Yeah... It was." We were in silence after that. Soon we came to his flat and he unlocked the door. We came in to a silent flat. Harry frowned and we walked through the door into the hallway.

"Ziara? Are you here?" The Holmes Chapel boy asked. We came to the living room to find everything calm and peaceful.

"I'll check upstairs." I told him. He nodded and searched around the bottom level. I looked through the room. There was nothing in Harry's, and no sign that she had left in her room either. I walked down the stairs to see him on one of the couches, his head in his hands.

"Maybe she's out for a walk." I suggested. Harry shook his head and handed me a note. Scanning the note, I picked up the more important. I sat down next to him, not knowing what else to do.

"She said I won the battle, but I lost the war, and now my head is sore." He sang quietly as he looked up, tears streaming down his face.

"We can't give up now. I mean, we should try to find her." I tell him, trying to find a plan.

"How? We have 3 weeks Niall! There's just no time."

"We'll find her by the end. We will find her." I reached into my pocket and called the boys.

"What's up Niall?" Liam asked as he picked up.

"Ziara's missing." I stated.

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