Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- Nightmares

Ziara's POV.

I woke up in a forest.

"Can't escape now!" A voice shouted. I panicked and ran around trying to find a way out.

"You can run! But you can't hide!" The voice said again. I fell down and twisted my ankle. I took off my guitar and left it somewhere where I can find it later.

"I'm sorry." I softly whispered. I started to run again.

"Listen Princess! Don't think you can escape this time!" The voice said again. I climbed up into the trees and started jumping even with my bad ankle.

"Princess! Stop running!" The voice teased. "You know you want to!" The voice only urged me faster as twigs and branches hit me across the face and arms. I limped badly down and rested against the tree.

"Got 'cha." A voice snarled and I screamed, falling from the tree. I fell and I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I couldn't get up even when I pushed myself up. The man jumped down.

"Derek... Don't please.... Please." I cried as I crawled backward. His black hair shook to the side and his pale skin looked scarred. He titled his head up and his eyes, his cold-hard-deceiving eyes, held no mercy.

"Come on then! Scream!" He shouted as he walked up to me and grabbed me by the arm. He lifted me up and pushed me over to a tree.

"Scream!" He shouted as he held my shirt by the cuffs. I shook my head no, and he laughed. A humorless laugh, more forced and villain-like then I ever heard.

"Then I will make you scream." He snarled. My eyes grew wide as he reached inside of his pocket. Where I knew... I knew where his favorite item was... His items that he carried everywhere, that he never slept without.

"Remember him?" Derek smiled as he pulled out his pocket knife. "Remember grim?" He laughed with a little trace of humor. I only backed up more then ever.

"Please, Derek." I pleaded. But it was no use, it never was. The pleas always fell on deaf ears. He lived on my fear, he loved it.

"How about..." He started with a wicked grin. "No..." He pushed me to the ground and held me down with his weight. He grabbed his knife and I closed my eyes. I felt the cool touch of the blade and started screaming as he cut too deep.

I opened my eyes and was met with a pale, white room. I put my head in my hands and started crying. I looked over at my arm and saw a deep cut that was still trying to heal as blood leaked out. I tried to move my leg and felt pain erupt in my ankle. I tried my other leg as I felt pain erupt in my knee. I put my head into my hands again and started sobbing even harder. The nightmare wasn't a nightmare.. It was real... How did he get out?

Niall'a POV.

I was walking toward Ziara's room in the hospital when I heard crying. I rushed into her room and saw her sitting up, with her hands on her knees, holding her head. I walked over to her and picked her up. I walked over to the couch and rubbed her back whispering little things into her ears as I sat down with her in my lap.

"It's okay." "You're going to be fine." "You'll be okay." "Ziara don't cry." "Stop or you're going to make me cry." Were some of the things I said.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" She asked me as she looked up.

"The boys and I are taking turns watching you in the hospital, and today it was my turn." I explain gently. She buried her head into my shirt, with tears still dripping down her face. It broke my heart to see her crying.

"Niall?" She asked.

"Yes?" I asked back looking at her.

"Can you sing for me?" She asked. "I've only heard you on tv by the tv shop and I'm pretty sure that you don't sound like that live." I laughed and she smiled at me. I nodded, and started thinking of a song.

"She's the girl that no one ever knows. And I say hi but she's to shy to say hello. She's just waiting for that one to take her hand and shake her up, I bet I could. I wish my heart was always on her mind, cause she's on mine like all day, all the time. Forget me not, forget me now. I've come to far to turn around.

Cause I'm never going down, I'm never giving up. I'm never going to leave, so put your hands up. If you like me, then say you like me." I sang as I continued the song called 'say you like me' by We the kings. She leaned her head against my chest as I finished and we sat there for a second in peace and quiet, letting the rain fall down outside.

"Ziara... Why did you go missing?" I asked. She grew pale and looked at me.

"How long was I gone?" She asked.

"About a week, and you've been out for two days since we found you." I told her. She turned even paler and didn't look into my eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I asked gently.

"Sorta of.... But I'm not ready to tell yet." She whispered. I nodded and pulled her head against my chest again.

"Then you don't have too." I whispered back. I soon filled her in to everything that happened while she was gone. I talked about the new things, the tour, the photo shoot, and Henry.

"Wait you guys met Henry?" She laughed. By this time we were facing each other on the opposite sides of the couch with our feet in between each others.

"Yeah, it was after we saw these other people that looked really scary.... Then Zayn lead us to Henry." I explained. She raised an eyebrow and started laughing again.

"Must have been something." She smiled.

"It sure was, by the way, I didn't know Zayn was your cousin." I teased her, giving her a wink.

"That was his own choice after all I could have made him my fake-boyfriend." She teased back, sticking her tongue out.

"I don't think Pierre would be happy with that." I chuckled. Ziara shrugged and started laughing again. I joined in and we just sat there, laughing. As if there was nothing bad in the world. As if the stuff in nightmares were never there.

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