Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- today was something

Harry's POV.

I was walking toward the little shop of Henry as I shivered in the cold air. Walking into the shop, Henry greeted me.  

"Hello Harry." Henry said.  

"Hey Henry." I greeted back and sat down at the small bar. The shop was small, having tables near the windows that are in front of the shop. Then there was a bar near the back of the shop, giving the customers food options.  

"So, what happened after you met Ziara?" I asked him. He sighed and put down the class that he was cleaning.  

"Lots, she stayed at my place for a couple days. Then she started to play in the shop." He explained. I nodded, showing that I was following along.  

"Then what happened?" I asked.  

"She started to get more brave... But then for a year, a WHOLE year, she disappeared. That was when she was 15." He told. "Then she came back and came start back here. It was like old times again, but she was a little more weary." 'Probably had to do with Derek' I thought as I took a sip of the tea that Henry had set in front if me.  

"She would come here when she was too hungry, or had no place to sleep. She got better and better at playing her guitar.. Have you ever heard her play?" He asked me.  

"I've heard her sing but not play and sing." I told him as I shook my head. He nodded, as if he was thinking carefully.  

"Well, when she gets out, have her play a song for you. Truth be told, sometimes I think she would do better with an electric guitar. After all, she plays a lot of rock songs." He rambled out loud.  

"Really?" I asked. He nodded and then started to hum something. We talked a little more and then I headed out.  

'You were standing there, on your usual corner.  
Paying no attention, I didn't get to see the former.  
The day was moving along, yet we stayed.  
The things I did to see you, the messes I made.

The girl on the street,  
They say she has no name
But she's always willing to play the game.
She's an angel in disguise,
I never want to say my goodbyes.

She's always on that corner
And yet wasn't a big performer  
I always watch, staying out late
And yet I am always in a hesitate

The girl on the street,  
They say she has no name
But she's always willing to play the game.
She's an angel in disguise,
I never want to say my goodbyes.' I started to sing in my head. They were the lyrics that I had come up with when I was over with Henry. I walked down to my flat and started to clean up. It wasn't too dirty, but you never know what can happen in a couple moments. I saw the piece of paper with the beginning lyrics, and copied the rest down. Now, what to do about the music?

Liam's POV.

"Liam!" A voice yelled.  

"What Niall!?" I shouted back at the Irish lad. He walked into the living room and saw me lying on the couch.  

"Dang it, I forgot... Sorry Liam." Niall said as he tried to remember. I groaned and lay back against the couch again. I heard rumbling and started to laugh as Niall's face turned slightly red. 

"Come on, lets get you a sandwich Niall." I laughed. He smiled sheepishly and followed me into the kitchen. I made him the sandwich, shaking my head slightly. He grabbed it an started to gulp it down.  

"That was good." He said as he finished the sandwich. "Can I have another?"  

"No, you can have one later though." I told him and he sagged his shoulders.  

"Please, Liam?" He asked, getting out his puppy-dog eyes. I laughed and ruffled his hair as he tried to pull it off.  

"Don't you remember Niall? I can stand puppy-faces, so don't try and pull them off on me." I chuckled. He shrugged an smiled at me.  

"I tried." He pointed out. I shrugged and head over to the living room again.  

"Why do you want to do?" I asked him as I flopped on the couch.  

"Wanna play a video game?" He asked. I nodded and let him choose the game. We grabbed our controllers and started to play. We played against an with each other as the hours flew by.  

"Hey Liam, what time is it?" Niall asked as he stretched.  

"It's... Um... 6:30. 6:30! How long did we play?" I stated. 

"Well... We started around noon and stopped now so about 6 hours." Niall told me. I nodded and thought for a second.  

"Do you think we have anything left in the fridge?" I asked. He shrugged and thought for a moment. 

"I know for sure that there is almost nothing in your cabinets." Niall laughed as he started to clean the bags of food from the table. I laughed along and started to help cleaning. We threw all the bags away and then stood there.  

"Do you want to go somewhere to eat?" I asked Niall. He gave me a look in reply. 

"You are asking this lad? About food?" He exclaimed. "Liam! I thought you knew better!" I laughed and grabbed my car keys as we headed off to some place to eat. Well today was something.

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