Chapter 24

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Chapter 24- Getting somewhere

Zayn's POV. 

"It's not good..." He whispered. We stopped as he whispered the words. Louis wrapped Harry in a hug, while Liam and Niall stood in shock. I looked into the room and saw Ziara. The poor girl was living ghost, her features pale, making her red-brown hair stand out even more, making the scars and the bruises stand out more. 

"Liam?" A soft voice asked. I turned around to see a girl with black hair and green eyes coming toward our group. Liam unfreezes and rushes toward her, enveloping her in a hug. The mystery girl pulled back, and looked at us. 

"You going to introduce me or do I have to do it myself?" The mystery girl teased. Liam smiled up at her, and then turned back toward us. 

"Guys, this is Bianca. Bianca, this is Niall, Zayn, Louis, and the boy he's setting down is Harry." Liam stated. I waved when he said my name but turned back to the two boys and saw Louis setting Harry down on the floor. The Doncaster boy sat next to Harry and tried to comfort him. Bianca came down to Harry's level and looked him straight in the eye.

"Tell me what happened/ What really happened, not the bullshiz story that you told the police." Bianca demanded. Harry looked up from his position and we saw that his eyes were red and fresh tears leaked down his dry cheeks. 

"Th-there was this m-man named D-derek. He w-was an ex of Zi-ziara, and di-didn't like that we we-were in her life. So he threatened u-us and to-took Ziara a-away. He-he would send us pic-pictures of Ziara that sho-showed her all cut up and bruised-" Here Harry's stuttering voice broke down into sobs as she stepped away. 

"And we rescued her, only to almost lose her in the battle against death." I finished for him. She turned toward me with a grim face. Looking down at her face, I saw her jaw stiffen.

"That the girl in there?" She gritted. i nodded and she walked up to the window that I was at earlier. Liam went to stand right next her, with me at her other side. 

"That's an even tougher battle... One that most people don't win." She whispered. 

"We know." Liam sighed. "I just wonder what's going to happen if she does die." I'm glad that she didn't ask if life would go on. I knew that it wouldn't be the same. Not with Harry broken into even more pieces then he was now, I wouldn't be able to stand that. Seeing him so broken, and me not being able to do anything about it. 

The only thing that could happen now was the waiting game. I just hoped it wouldn't be an forever waiting game, one that we would never know the outcome. Then again, the doctors would know if she can't win the battle. They knew, and so did we, that this was a battle on an steep hill with tumbling rocks being thrown at the girl that lay on the be.

"We are words

On pages that we've left unturned

An ending no one's ever heard

We are a story slowly unfolding

Beautiful words" A voice sang. All of us turned toward the two boys sitting on the floor, seeing that Harry sang a song, when he has barely said anything in these last weeks. 

"It was a song she liked to sing... One that was played over and over." He chuckled, remembering the good times. At least they were good times, and barely any bad ones in that short relationship they had. 'HAVE, have, Zayn, gotta stay postive.' I thought to myself. Gotta stay postive. 

Louis' POV. 

I looked over to Harry who was sitting beside me. I just couldn't believe that now he would still think of her in a good light. Still in a happy light with such dark times around him. 

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