Chapter 17

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Chapter 17- Brighter days

Harry's POV.

I walk downstairs to se Ziara laying on the couch. I grab a blanket that was on the seat nearby. I put the blanket over her, before seeing a note in her hand. I try to grab it out of her hands, but she just turns and mutters something. Then I noticed that she's shaking. So, I sit by her and try to understand what she's saying.

"Go away! Please go away!" She whispers.

"No! Go away! Leave him alone!" She keeps tossing and turning as her face scrunches. I wanted to wake her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. That is, until she starts crying and whimpering as though someone is troturing her. I shake her, trying to wake her up.

"Ziara, please wake up." It broke my heart, seeing her like this. I couldn't stand it, so I tried shaking her again.

"Tell him that I love him." She mutters, and I freeze. What? What did she just say?

"Tell Harry. Tell him I love him." I try shaking her again, knowing that it's practically no use.

"GOD DANG IT WAKE UP ALREADY!" I shout as I shake her again. I don't realize it until it hits my lips that I'm crying. Why am I crying? I mean, I know that this breaks my heart, and she said I love you. What kind of dream would make a person say things like that? To ask another person to tell another that they love them? I sit down and shake her one more time.

This time she wakes up with wide eyes and looking ready to continue crying. She sees me and gets up off the couch. Attacking me, she wraps her arms around me and holds me down on the carpet, crying into my shirt. I put my hand on her back, rubbing it over and over again. I don't know what to say, I'm still shocked from the moment she said 'I love you'.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask her softly, finally regaining my ability to speak. She shakes her head, tears still streaming down. I put my hands on her cheeks and wipe them away. I kiss her nose and then look back into her eyes.

"You're okay. You are going to be okay. I don't plan to let anyone hurt you." I whisper her. She nods and then puts her head on her shoulder.

"I love you, Harry. I know that I don't deserve it, but I thank all of my lucky stars that I got to meet you." She says.

"I'm glad that Niall offered you his sandwich that day at the mall." I told her, and she laughs a little. "And I'm the one that doesn't deserve you. I'm the one who cares a little too much then he really should. It's just that you really matter to me, this isn't what I normally do, but it's always what I've wanted."

"I still don't see how you like a homeless girl like me though." She whispers.

"I love you because you are beautiful, you are kind, you are amazing, you are brave, you are one of the strongest people that I know, and you are my 'angel in disguise'" I tell listing just some of the things that I love about her.

"And I love you because you are handsome, you are cheeky, yet you are a complete gentleman sometimes, You always brighten up my day with the stupid things you do, you are silly, and you are my prince in disguise." She whispers back at me. I smile at her, enjoying all the things she said. She smiles back at me and I kiss her softly on the lips. Then we start laughing for no reason. We can only go up after this.

Liam's POV.

I woke up, thinking about what I would do today. Maybe I should visit, after all I haven't been there in a while. Yeah, I think I'll go. I get out of my bed and turn on the shower. After a short shower, I brush my teeth and then head to my closet to pick out some clothes.

I get out a black shirt and then grab a pair of jeans. I toss the shirt over my head, putting it on. Then I put on my jeans, getting out some socks and putting on my shoes. I also grab a jacket as I make my way downstairs. Grabbing a quick breakfast, I head downtown to go to the local soup kitchen. As I turn the corner, I see the line that was already forming.

"Already?" I question softly. I head down the line to go to the back. I get greeted by some of the people there and soon head inside to the door to help out.

"Liam? Is that you?" A women asked. Out of nowhere came an elderly woman in her 70s. She had white hair, pale skin, and warm blue eyes. I came toward her, giving her a hug. She was still wearing her uniform, which was pants, a shirt, and an apron.

"Martha. How are you?" I asked as I greeted her.

"All the better with more help, how are you sweetie?" She asked as she handed me an apron.

"Great." I replied, putting the apron over my head and heading out toward the front. Martha was like my grandmother, always putting me first before herself. Then even putting the homeless in front of me. She was so kind, and helpful to others, there was no better person to run a soup-kitchen.

"Liam! You're back!" Another voice said as I got stationed to hand out plates. I turn around for a second before seeing black hair in a pony tail. I smiled at the sight and turned back around to continue handing out plates and silverware.

"Yes, Biannca, I'm back." I said as I kept passing on. She came beside me and started giving the soup out to some of the homeless, taking over the girl's job that was beside me.

"So, what have you been up to so lately that keeps you so busy?" Biannca asked me as she kept smiling and kept giving out the food. I looked over to the girl, studying her features. She had pale skin, bright green eyes, a small nose, and brown-black hair.

"Just the new album, and a little drama." I answered her. Nodding, she turned to look at me and gave me a small smile.

"Drama? Nothing in the magazines say that there are. Not that I really believe them, of course, but I like to be kept informed Liam." She told me. I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard what she said.

"Don't want people to know?" I nodded at her statement and then leaned toward her.

"Biannca, don't tell anyone this, but you know the girl that was with Zayn like 2 weeks ago?" She nodded at this. "Well, she's got an really possessive ex and he threatened Harry and Niall already. She only get rid of him when she ran away. The problem is that I'm worried he might hurt one of them."

"That b-" She started.

"Don't call her that. She's a really nice girl. Besides, I know that she didn't mean to have any trouble, besides she got hurt first." I said, defending Ziara. Biannca gave me a look, before thinking over what I said.

"Okay... So, she got hurt and now the Ex is threatening to do something like that again? And you're sure that this has to do with Harry and Niall?"

"Yes, HE threatened Harry, cut 2 Xs in Niall's arm, and pretty much killed Ziara's leg." I whispered to her. She gave me an confused look before I explained that Ziara was the girl she was about to cuss at.

"In that order?" She teased.

"Nope, backwards." I tell her, in all serouisness. We continue serving before we finished and start help clean up the empty plates.

"And here I was worrying about my ex boyfriend." She muttered. I started to laugh and she smiled up at me.

"I'm sorry that I put even more damper on your serouis problems." I tried to say with a straight face. She giggled before almost dropping a plate. I caught the plate before it hit the ground and we started to laugh quietly.

"Is the Liam Payne teasing a girl like me? Shocker!" Biannca said as she put a plate to cover her mouth as though it were hand. I chuckled before bringing all the plates to the kitchen. We washed the plates together, me washing and her drying. Then we took our aprons off before asking Martha if we could go out for lunch. Martha gave her approval and we headed out.

"So where are we going?" Biannca asked.

"You choose, and before you say anything, it'll be my treat." I tell her.

"Oh! In that case, can we go to a place that I have been dieying to try out!?" I nodded and she pulled on my arm to get to the place. I laughed a little and off we went.

Author's note- 

Okay, I don't know why the picture didn't show up, but hey.. let's see if it will work this time. So on this chapter should be Biannca, and the chapter before this should have Ziara. Now do I know for certain when i update this... no, just wish me luck! oh and dedicated to one of my really good friends CrazedEnough.. check her out!

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