Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- her past, and maybe future

Zayn's POV.

"So these are the boys Ziara talks about eh?" Henry asks me. "Better watch out for her, otherwise these boys are gonna be all over your cousin." He laughed as he motioned for us to sit at a table.

"I think she can hold her own." I laughed. The boys looked at me and I gave them a look that said 'i'll tell you later'. They nodded and we sat down, taking a drink.

"Speaking of your cousin, do you know where she is?" Henry asked. I almost spit out the drink I had in my mouth.

"You mean Ziara is missing?" Liam asked.

"Yup, no one has seen her since last week, that day with you." Henry said, pointing to me. I looked at the guys and saw Liam and Louis with a worried face, while Harry and Niall faces had paled.

"I saw her four days ago, though." Niall said. "By the creek over by the forest."

"Well, if you see her, tell her everyone is looking for her." Henry said sadly. There was silence at the table for a moment and Henry shook his head.

"She usually checks with me every two days. It's so strange that we don't hear her." He said. We looked down at the table. I stood up and walked to the front door.

"Where are you going Zack?" Henry asked. I turned toward him and the boys.

"I'm going to find her." I said, nodding my head as if what I was doing had to make sense to me as well.

"I'm coming with you." Niall and Harry said in unison. Henry smiled, showing a couple of his teeth.

"Good thing she has friends like you and you as a cousin Zack." He laughed, "I would go, but Im afraid that I'm getting a little too old for this." Harry, Niall, and I headed out and started for the park. Niall was leading us to the place where he had last seen her. We walked around the forest and after an hour or two I gave up.

"She isn't here guys!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm going to look over there." Harry said, turning around.

"Guys! Look!" We heard Niall shout. We ran over to where he was standing and saw her guitar.

"She wouldn't leave it here for no reason." I whispered. "Ziara! Ziara! Are you there?!" Harry made a mad dash to the side of the creek. We tried to follow him, but he was going to fast.

"Harry! Slow down!" I shouted.

"Harry! Where are you!?" Niall shouted.

"Here! I'm he-" he shouted. Stopping in mid sentence. We ran over to where we thought he was. When we reached him, all we heard was sobbing.

"Harry?" Niall asked quietly.

"Guys, we need to go to the hospital... And quickly." He said....

Louis' POV.

"So, how do you know Ziara's cousin?" Henry asked. I looked over to Liam and we smiled a bit.

"Well, we met him at a contest, and we became best friends." Liam started, telling what was the truth.

"He introduced us to his cousin just 2 weeks ago." I said, telling the not so truth.

"Just 2 weeks ago? And she's been here since she was 12?" Henry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He just found out that his cousin was here... About 3 weeks ago?" I said, saying the last bit as more of a question. Liam nodded I agreeing with the story.

"How did you meet Zack?" Liam asked.

"I met him about a week and a couple days ago, when Ziara brought him in." Henry said, leaning back against one of the chairs. "I knew Ziara since she was 13."

"How did you meet her?" I asked him.

"That's an easy one. She was parked outside my door, in the middle of winter." He said as he looked away from us, as if remembering the day. "She was shivering in her boots, and I opened the door. I asked her if he wanted to come in and she came in, running as though the wind had bitten her." Here he laughed. "I gave her a cup of tea to warm up, and the rest is history." We were silent for a minute as we sat in silence.

" 'running as though the wind had bitten her'?" Liam asked. Henry nodded and laughed a little.

"That doesn't sound like the Ziara we know." I said, giving them a confused face.

"Well, she was different then... She was more insecure, more innocent." He sighed. We sat there in silence, each having our own thoughts. Then next moment Liam's phone rang and he picked it up.

"Harry? What is it?" Liam asked.

"Come to the hospital? Who, what, when, and where?" He asked as he turned pale. He soon shut the phone and looked at us.

"They found her, and not in a great condition...." He said.

-authors note-

And that is where I leave you, my lovely readers! I'm so sorry that I have not posted sooner, but if you must know, writers block! Anyways, hope you guys like it and I shall probably write soon!

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