Chapter 18

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Chapter 18- Discovery

Zayn's POV.

When the afternoon came, I was getting a bit nervous. First Harry left last night, and no one else noticed. Then Niall gets sick? Since when did that ever happen at a bar? Then again, he could just say that he's sick as an excuse yo go home.  

However, since I didn't want the rest of the lads to worry, I tolf no one of Harry's departure. Then again, I'm sure Liam would have been super worried by the time we went home. Then again, he's always worried for one of us at least. There wasn't much that you could do when Liam gets into parent mode.  

Going out of my house, I decide to head over to the studios. Maybe I could give the fans a little sneak peek for the next album? Wait, maybe not... I would be in a huge amount of trouble when managment finds out. Don't ask me how, but they will find out. They always do after all.  

I walk down the streets of London, heading toward the studio. I only had to stop a couple times for the fans, having to sign autographs or take pictures with them. I didn't mind it one bit, after pulling the disappearing act a couple of times, I kinda owe them that. Most of the time, though, I was left alone. The streets of London, knew us after all. I knocked onto the door and found that it was unlocked.

"Hello, anyone here?" I asked as I stepped into the hallway.

"Back here!" A voice shouted. I headed to the back to find Christian sitting in his chair. Christian was an 25 year old man, was 6'3, had brown eyes, black hair, a tall and muscular build, and he hadn't shaved in a couple days leaving a little stubble on his cheeks.

"Vas happing?" I asked him as I sat down in the chair next to him.

"Not much, just goin over the tracks that we have recorded so far." Christain explained in his Texan accent as he leaned back. I nodded as I closed my eyes, listening to the next track that was on. So far, we had finsihed 6 tracks. After the 6th track, I smiled but frowned as another song came on.

"What on earth is this?" Chris asked me as the next song played. I shrugged my shoulders, listening carefully as Harry's voice came onto the stereo system. He had already recorded 'Don't let me go', so this just wasn't making any sense.


The door opened to reveal Harry in a disheveled state, as though he had just woken up from sleeping on the couch.

"Morning." He yawned.

"Morning." Liam returned as we headed into his flat.

"Zayn!? You're here mate!" Harry said in surprise as he closed the door after I walked in. I shrug for a second before opening my mouth to talk.

"I go missing for a day! A day! And all of you act as though I've been gone for a century." I start to laugh as I realize what I'm saying. Harry chuckles and the rest of the guys smile as the realized that they had the same reaction Harry had when they saw me..

"What's this?" Louis asked as he picked up a sheet from teh table. Harry walked over and roughly grabbed the sheet away from Lou.

"It's not finished." He pointed out.

-end of flashback-

I jump up, starting to listen more intently. Ziara's small and timid voice comes out, singing in the background as Harry sings what I think is the chorus. Was this what Harry was hiding? How much did he write that morning (night?) before Louis had found out.

"Harry wrote this song." I mumbled more to myself then saying this to Christian.

"What?" He asked, looking up at me. He had impressed written all over his face as he continued to listen to the track.

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