Chapter 11- Basketball Team?

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Chapter 11- Basketball Team?

Every radio, TV News and Newspaper had myself plastered all over it. The White Widow was everywhere, when I arrived at school Peter and no longer miserably quiet, he was happy and smiling as for James he was his usual silent self.

Lennie walked beside me as we walked up to the boys "Do you have it in your bag?" She asks in a whispered voice.

"Yeah, but I'm more concerned about Tyler. He didn't look too good when we left him" I say.

"He was a total bastard! I knew he was hot and everything but that's not how you treat somebody, especially his boss's daughter"

"But did you see him Lennie?"

She shrugs, I huff thinking back to Tyler. His limping, his eyes, how he looked so weak and how he stumbled. I looked down to the floor before Peter grabbing me by the arms, I smiled at him "You okay there?" He asks me.

I nod, his brown eyes locked on mine. I stare right into them, neither of us seems to blink he takes his hands off my shoulders, I reach for his hand wanting to know how I felt about this guy.

"Sierra, I was wondering-"

"Hey Peter come on!" James shouted.

I huff Peter turns his head around to James "Coming!" He shouts back.

I immediately cover my ears, the shouting hurts, Peter turns back to me and shrugs with a cheeky smile "Wait for me at lunch" He tells me.

I nod and watch him walk away from me "Just tell me now!" I say under my breath.

Peter doesn't hear and I wish he had because I wanted to know, seconds later Lennie is appeared at my side she is holding her camera "He has a huge crush on you" She says.

"Yeah" I mutter.

"He will ask you at some point. I know it!" Lennie tells me, she then puts her camera back into her bag "We have Gym"

"Great, will Peter be in that class?"

"Yeah, me and James too"

I groan. James. Great.

I had a feeling he didn't necessarily like me.


We change quickly into our Gym clothes, for me it's a loose blue t-shirt, loose baggy black shorts and my white converse shoes. I put my hair into a ponytail and wait for Lennie, the girls locker room is overcrowded. It smells of perfume thanks to the other Junior girls covering it all of their body.

Once we are all finally changed we are then asked to sit on the benches by the lockers, our Gym teacher Miss Hanson calls out our names and tells us our activity.

"Today girls we are going to split the period into two parts. First we are going to play dodge ball, then some basketball drills. As the girls Basketball team is starting its season again I want some new girls on the team" Miss Hanson tells us.

The girls groan, I smile. I had played Dodge ball in middle school and loved it, even though I was never exactly good.

"You cannot actually be happy for Dodge ball!" Lennie says shaking my shoulders.

"I loved it in middle school" I tell her.

"Well this is completely different from whatever Kansas middle school you attended. Here its like life versus death. The cheerleaders just hit it at your heads, Jamie and his crew lob it at you no matter what and then there's the wimps who don't do anything!"

I laugh "So I'm guessing you were always on the crap team"

"Yes!" We then get up and head out of the door "Miss Hanson puts you into the groups but she favourites the sporty ones and the people that participate in extra curricular activities such as Basketball or Cheerleading. She hates people like me and Peter. Of course we are on the newspaper but apparently that's not good enough!"

We are finally out the doors and walking into the Gym, the boys are already on their teams, James is on one team and Peter is on another. Great. There is another Gym Teacher, Mr Rigby, he is a sturdy man that is quite tall. He has a slight limp when he walks which reminds me of Tyler.

Mr Rigby points to the girls when we walk in, Lennie and I hang back watching them be assigned "Girls come on!" Mr Rigby shouts.

We stand behind the girls and Lennie is pointed to the group where Peter is, I'm directed to the opposite group where James is.

I walk slowly towards the team, Jamie and James are the only people that I recognise. I stand next to James "Good luck" He mutters.

I huff, the whistle blows and I try to resist myself from putting my hands over my ears and making a scene. I look all around me, watching the balls hurdle towards me. They all look brightly coloured and red, I see the dust on them with my irregular spider vision.

The world is all so clear, I smile.

But then a ball comes hurdling towards my face, I jump and without realising into a summersault. I land onto the floor with my feet close together and my head ducked down.

I look up to see all eyes focusing on me, even the Gym teachers are amazed. Lennie's eyes widened, Peter drops his ball and James folds his arms. I smile "Reflexes for gods sake!" I say "No need to stare!"

I pick up a ball beside me and throw it gently at a girl opposite me, she squeals "Ow!"

"Sorry!" I say.

The game then continues, everybody still looks at me. Some give me dirty looks, I smile and continue. James especially gives me dirty looks. As we continue I try not to do anything too drastic, I move to the side or duck whenever a ball comes towards me.

In the end I'm the last person standing on my team, the other person is a guy, he is extremely tall, dark brown hair that sticks up. He was lanky yet could play excellently "Come on girlie! Take your best shot!" He says.

"Okay, my name is not 'girlie' it is Sierra Rose Lawson, but you can call me Sierra" I tell him. The guy looks as if he about to drop his ball, I then throw mine at his legs without him knowing. He falls to the floor "And yes, I am The Sierra"

The whistle blows, "Basketball drills now!" Miss Hanson shouts out.

I sit where I stood, on the floor. Lennie runs over to me and so does Peter but James is walking away, he grabs a basketball and pounds it onto the floor. "How did you do that?" Peter asks.

I look to Lennie "Oh, I did Gymnastics as a child"

Peter shakes his head at me "I don't think so. You don't suddenly do that even if you did do gymnastics, a normal persons reflexes are never like that"

"Never mind"

When we begin our Basketball drills we get into our group, Lennie takes my by the arm and leads me over to the boys. James passes me the ball and I catch it immediately, then it starts to stick to my hands. Great.

I let go letting it fall to the floor, James huffs and walks over to one of the basketball nets. He takes a shot and misses, I take the ball one more time and throw it at the net.

Strangely it lands in, James passes me the ball again and it lands in.

The whistle blows "Lawson! I want to talk to you about the Basketball Team!"

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