Chapter 13- A date?

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Chapter 13- A date?

The nurse had rang my parents, telling them of my situation. I had to speak to them and confirm I was okay, but it didn't go down too well. The nurse told me to put it on speaker but i refused putting it straight to my ear and listening to my mother go on and on about how i should have been more careful. "It's your bloody spider sense! Why haven't you asked me to write you a note about your sensitive ears? I could have done that on your first day, but i cannot pick you up nor can your father. Bernie is arriving on Friday, so you will need to walk home. Before the bell goes" She says.

I groan "But my friend was going to wait for me"

"Tough, get him out of class. I can make a few phone calls now hand me over to the nurse"

I do as she says, even though she is not technically with me the woman still scares the living day lights out of me. I can still hear my Mom's voice when she is talking to the nurse. Once the call ends she looks over to me "Your mother says that you can go home early with a friend, so will it be then?" She asks me.

In a split second i think of Lennie, but she is in Chemistry now having an exam. I then think of Peter, how he wanted to speak to me but i had been so busy all day. "Peter Connors"

"I will ring up his parents now, do you know what class he is in?"

"His grandparents will answer. But i think he is in Math"

She nods and goes to the reception where she begins making a phone call again, the woman never stops as she seems to be always up on her feet. I watch her and the time, my Michael Kors watch weighs me down but the time reads 2:45. Fifteen minutes until the bell will ring for the final time and go off for a solid 30 seconds.

"He will be down here in a few minutes"

I nod and wait patiently at the reception, it doesn't take long before Peter comes down the stairs. He smiles, the nurse nods and asks me to sign out. I do so, once that is finished Peter and I are free.

We walk in silence for a few minutes, crossing onto the main roads in silence with the cars honking around us. The cars hurt my ears, but no that much as the sound will soon be bearable, Peter directs us on to another street. "So" He says breaking the silence.

"So" I say in reply.

"So, I was wondering" He begins, he takes in a breath "I wanted to. Well, know if you wanted. To um, you know. Go on a date with me? I mean its okay if you don't want to I will completely understand. You know what, just um, forget i ever asked"

"I would love to" I say to him, I take hold of his hand and smile "Did you doubt that I would have said no?"

He nods and puts his glasses on top of his head and rubs his eyes. I take hold of his hands and look into his eyes without the glasses, the warm brown eyes stared back at mine. Butterflies travel through my stomach, aching, I take hold of his hand tighter but then he looks at his hand. "Too tight" He whispers.

I loosen my hand, still holding on to his. I put his glasses back where they belong, hoping he could still see me. We walk down the streets in silence our fingers locked in each other's, they swing back and forth. Once we come to my street I stop still Peter cocks his head "It's okay, I know you would live in one of these. I mean, James lives in a condo" He says.

"Thanks for trying to comfort me" I mock.

"But anyway, how about we go out Friday night? There's this small French restaurant that opened up just last month, we can go there if you would like"

"That would be excellent"

We keep walking until we get to my house, we stand still and stare up to it. Well, Peter does. I face Peter and smile, "I'll see you tomorrow" I say.

"Yeah see you tomorrow"

Then we stand in utter silence, staring at each other. I lean in and kiss his lips, they taste warm with mint mixed in. I pull away quickly and smile, I run up to my house with my heart racing at a 100mph.

"A date then?" He calls.

"Yes" I laughed.

I opened the door to my house and turned back around to face him, "You going to be okay walking home? It's through times square"

Peter nodded "I have walked home many times, I think I know which route to take. Unlike you who has only lived here for a few weeks"

He was right.

I waved goodbye and closed the door slowly behind me. I leaned up against the door and took my phone out to ring Lennie.

Once she answered I blurted it all out "Ohm god Lennie. PeterjustlikeaskedmeoutandI'mbeyond excited!" I say quickly.

"Slow down horsey, the only thing I caught was Oh My god Lennie. Now say it nice and slow" She says.

"Peter, asked me out!" I screamed.

Lennie started screaming down the phone. "I'm coming over!"

I nodded, but then I heard sirens going off down my street. I opened up my bag to reveal my White Widow suit, I smiled and picked up "Maybe in an hour, I have to do something"

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