Eden Prime

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(Shepard, Thorne, Kaidan, and Jenkins are on Eden Prime with their assault rifles in their hands looking around)

Kaidan: Ship perimeter secure, commander

Thorne: No immediate threats detected

Nihlus: This place got hit hard, Commander. Hostiles are everywhere. Keep your guard up

(The four alliance soldiers look around and see the destruction)

Thorne: Dear god

Jenkins: What happened here?

Kaidan: Smells like smoke and death

(But then some sentient alien creatures start floating around)

Kaidan: What the hell are those?

Jenkins: Gas bags. Don't worry, they're harmless

(Leaving the gas bags alone, the four men press on and look around. But some geth recon drones quickly fly in and open fire)

Thorne: Get down!

(The drones bullets all make contact with the squad, but their energy shields give them time to take cover)

Jenkins: My shields are heavily damaged! I need a second to charge them up!

Shepard: We'll cover you!

(The squad waits in cover for a few seconds until their shields recharge)

(Shepard and Thorne fire a few shots with their assault rifles, destorying a couple of geth recon drones)

(Kaidan and Jenkins join in and destroy the rest of the geth recon drones)

Kaidan: The drones never stood a chance

Shepard: Stay focused. There could be more of them

Jenkins: Aye aye sir

Thorne: I'll cover you

(Shepard, Thorne, Kaidan, and Jenkins keep moving forward and find another party of geth recon drones. As they engage, Nihlus's voice sounds through their comms)

Nihlus: I've got some burned out buildings here, Shepard. A lot of bodies. I'm going to check it out. I'll try to catch up with you at the dig site

Thorne: Heads up!

(Thorne shoots a geth recon drone with his assault rifle)

(Kaidan and Jenkins open fire with Shepard, destroying another party of geth recon drones)

(But then they see an alliance soldier in red and white armor named Ashley Williams sprinting away from some pursuing geth recon drones)

(She gets hit in the back by a bullet from a drone, but her energy shields deflect it)

(Ashley whips out a pistol and shoots the two geth drones, destroying them. Then she ducks behind a large rock as some geth troopers approach the area)

(Shepard and his team come to Ashley's rescue and blast the geth troopers and drones, terminating them)

Ashley: Thanks for your help. I didn't think I was going to make it. Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams of the 212. Are you the one in charge here, sir?

Shepard: I am. My name's Commander Shepard. Are you wounded, Williams?

Ashley: A few scrapes and burns, but nothing serious. The others weren't so lucky. We were patrolling the perimeter when the attack hit. We tried to get off a distress call, but they cut off our communications. I've been fighting for my life ever since

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