The Hearing

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(Shepard wakes up in a hospital bed in the Normandy's medical bay)

Ashley: Doctor Chakwas? I think he's waking up

(Shepard gets up disoriented)

Chakwas: You had us worried, Shepard. How are you feeling?

Shepard: Ugh... Minor throbbing. Nothing serious. How long was I out?

Chakwas: For about 15 hours. I think something happened down there with the beacon

Ashley: It's my fault. I must've triggered some kind of security field when I approached it. Shepard had to push me out of the way

Shepard: No. It's not your fault, Williams. You had no way to know what would happen

Chakwas: Actually, we don't even know what set it off. Unfortunately, we'll never get the chance to find out

Shepard: Why not?

Ashley: The beacon exploded. A system overload, maybe. The blast knocked you out cold, but your shields absorbed most of the blast. Thorne slung you over his shoulder and carried you back to the ship

Chakwas: Physically, you're fine. But I detected some unusual brain activity, abnormal beta waves. I also noticed an increase in your rapid eye movement. Signs typically associated with intense dreaming

Shepard: I'm not sure what I saw. Death... Destruction... Nothing's really clear

Chakwas: Hmm... I better add this to my report. It may- Oh! Captain Anderson

(Anderson walks into the room with Thorne)

Thorne: Shepard. You're getting bulky

Shepard: I know you're just saying "I've gained weight" in disguise, Thorne

Anderson: Doctor. How's our XO holding up?

Chakwas: All the readings look normal. I'd say the commander's going to be fine

Anderson: Glad to hear it. Shepard, Thorne, I need to speak with you two. In private

Thorne: Aye aye, Captain

Ashley: We'll be in the mess hall if you need us

(Chakwas and Ashley leave the room. Only Anderson, Shepard, and Thorne are still there)

Anderson: Sounds like that beacon hit you pretty hard, commander. You sure you're ok?

Shepard: I'm fine, Captain

Thorne: I don't remember Williams being a part of the Normandy's crew. Was she reassigned?

Anderson: Yes. I figured we could use a soldier like her, so I added her to our crew. Is there a problem?

Thorne: Not at all, Captain. She's a good soldier

Anderson: Glad to hear it. Lieutenant Alenko agrees with you. And so does Corporal Jenkins

Shepard: What did you want to talk to us in private about?

Anderson: I won't lie to you, boys. Things look bad. Nihlus is dead. The beacon was destroyed. And the geth are invading. The council's going to want answers

Shepard: We didn't do anything wrong, Captain

Thorne: I know that we can see that. But will the council?

Shepard: We've got nothing to hide

Anderson: I'll stand behind you and your reports. You two are damned heroes in my book. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. It's Saren, that other turian

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