The Doctor

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(The Normandy flies to the Artemis Tau cluster and flies towards the surface of a planet called Therum, where it drops a six-wheeled tank called the Mako)

(Ashley, Kaidan, Jenkins, Garrus, Wrex, and Tali are inside with Shepard driving and Thorne on the gun)

Joker: Commander, I'm picking up some strange readings. Really strange. Like, off the damn charts. It's coming from an underground complex a few clicks away from the drop zone

Shepard: Copy that, Joker. En route

(Shepard drives the Mako carefully as to not fall into a lava pit, and he drives along a rocky path)

(But eventually, something catches Thorne's eye)

Thorne: Shepard, I'm seeing fortifications ahead, I doubt they're friendly

Shepard: I see it. Open fire!

(Thorne uses a couple of rockets from the Mako's turret and blows up two geth armatures. Then he uses the machine gun to blow away a bunch of geth troopers)

(The Mako comes up on a gate the geth have set up and it's guarded by turrets)

(Thorne uses the Mako's gun to destroy the turrets, but the gate's still shut, so Shepard drives around it and catches the geth troopers on the other side off guard)

(The geth troopers are no match for the Mako's armor and firepower, and they're easily eliminated)

(Garrus gets out of the Mako and hacks the gate, opening it up, then he gets back in with everyone else)

(Shepard drives the Mako further down the path and he encounters more geth armatures. Thorne destroys one with the turret, but it overheats, and Thorne scrambles to get it back under control)

(Shepard rams the other geth armature and sends it into the lava. He uses the Mako's thrusters to get it back onto land before it goes into the lava)

(Thorne gets the Mako turret back under control in time to destroy another incoming geth armature)

(Shepard runs over a group of geth rocket troopers)

(Thorne uses a rocket to weaken the defenses on a geth colossus, and he destroys it with the machine gun)

(Shepard drives the Mako up a ramp and through a tunnel, where he runs over more geth foolish enough to stand inside)

(On the outside of the tunnel, there's some geth troopers set up, but the Mako absolutely demolishes them)

(But then, there's a huge rock formation up ahead that the Mako can't fit through)

Thorne: Agh. There's no way we're getting through that

Shepard: Leave the Mako. We'll continue on foot

Wrex: Finally. I was getting bored

Jenkins: Geth! Get down!

(Everybody ducks into cover as some geth shock troopers rush in and open fire on the squad)

(The geth shock troopers put up some energy barriers as deployable cover)

(Kaidan uses his biotic abilities to create a singularity. It draws some geth shock troopers in and explodes)

(Shepard, Ashley, Jenkins, and Wrex push forward and mount a frontal assault)

(Some more geth troopers come to reinforce, but Thorne and Garrus use sniper rifles to thin them out)

(Tali throws a combat drone in the air to fight alongside her as she uses her tech abilities to try and counter the geth's energy barriers)

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