Escape to Ilos

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(Shepard, Thorne, and Anderson meet up in a club called Flux and sit at a table)

Anderson: I'm glad you came, boys. I heard about what happened

Shepard: They forced us off the mission. Just like when they forced you to give up the Normandy

Anderson: I know. And I'm sorry. I wanted to warn you, but there was no way to get a message to you before you docked. I know you're pissed off right now, but you can't give up. They all think this is over, but I think all three of us know it's not. You have to go to Ilos. And you have to stop Saren from using the conduit

Shepard: It's not that simple. There's only one ship that can get my team and I into the terminus systems undetected, and she's grounded

Thorne: Um... About that... That's why I contacted Anderson. We'll need his help

Shepard: I know that look, Thorne. What are you planning?

Thorne: I've already talked to the crew about this while you were gone, and they're on board. But if we're actually going to pull this off, we still need you with us. We did everything right, we played by all the rules, and we still got screwed over. Now it's time to turn the tables. I recognize the council has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it

Shepard: What are you saying?

Thorne: Doing the right thing doesn't always mean doing the right thing. And I'm not gonna lie to you, Shepard. I have a plan to hijack the Normandy

Anderson: Citadel control's locked out all the Normandy's systems. But if we override the ambassador's orders, we can get them to bring the Normandy back online. You can be in the terminus systems before anyone even knows you're gone

Shepard: But what happens to you? If we steal the Normandy, you'll be the one left holding the bag

Anderson: And if Saren finds the conduit, life as we know it is over. The reapers will destroy us. Humans, turians, asari, salarians, everybody. You're the only one who can stop him, Shepard. So I'll do whatever it takes to get you onto the Normandy and off this station

Shepard: I won't forget this, Anderson. I promise

Anderson: I can unlock the Normandy from Udina's console

Shepard: It's a restricted area with armed guards. How are you going to sneak past them?

Anderson: I'm an alliance admiral. Leave that to me. Just be sure you're in the Normandy when it's systems come back online

Shepard: I can't believe I'm about to do this...

Anderson: Ambassador Udina issued the lockdown order. If I can hack into his computer in his office, then maybe I can override it. Hopefully he won't be there. If he is, then I'll just have to think of something

(The three men stand up and shake hands)

Anderson: Are you ready to get the hell off this station, Commander?

Shepard: Lets do this

Anderson: You know the plan. I'll take care of the lockdown. You two will meet up with your crew with Joker and stand by

Thorne: Good luck, Anderson

Anderson: And to you too, Lieutenant-Commander. Hopefully we won't need it

Shepard: Lets get evil

(Shepard and Thorne clasp their hands together in a brotherhood handshake, and they both head for the Normandy)

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