Spare Time

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(On board the Normandy)

(Shepard knocks on a door)

Liara: Enter

(Shepard walks in)

Liara: Commander Shepard. I never properly thanked you for saving me from the geth, Commander. If you hadn't shown up...

Shepard: You're welcome. I'm just glad we got there in time

Liara: So am I. I know you took a chance bringing me aboard this ship. I have seen the way your crew looks at me. They do not trust me. But I am not like Benezia. I will do whatever I can to help you stop Saren. I promise

Shepard: Don't worry, Liara. I trust you. I know you won't let us down

Liara: It means a lot to hear you say that, Commander. Thank you

Shepard: Tell me about yourself, Liara

Liara: Me? I'm afraid I'm not very interesting, Commander. I spend most of my time on remote digs, unearthing mundane items buried in long-forgotten ruins

Shepard: Sounds like a dangerous line of work. And lonely

Liara: Sometimes I would run afoul of indigenous life forms, or stumble across a small band of mercenaries or privateers. But I was always careful. Until the geth followed me to Artemis Tau, I had never found myself in a situation my biotics could not handle. As for the solitude, well, that is one aspect that most appealed to me. Sometimes I just need to get away from other people

Shepard: Oh? Why's that?

Liara: I suppose it comes from being a matriarch's daughter. Many asari expected me to follow in Benezia's footsteps. They wanted me to become a leader of our people. Matriarchs guide their followers into the future, and they seek the truth of what is to come. Maybe that's why I became so interested in the secrets of the past

(Liara chuckles)

Liara: It sounds so foolish when I say it out loud. It sounds like I became an archeologist just to spite Benezia

Shepard: All children rebel against their parents at some point. It's just a natural part of growing up

(Liara laughs again, louder this time)

Liara: You share the wisdom of the matriarch, Shepard. That is exactly what Benezia said when I told her of my decision. But there was more to it than that. I felt drawn to the past. The protheans were these wondrous, mysterious figures. I wanted to know everything about them. That is why I find you so fascinating as well

Shepard: (The Rock eyebrow) I should go

(Shepard walks out and joins Thorne, Kaidan, and Jenkins. They're all playing cards in the mess hall)

Jenkins: So, what do you think of the new crewmate?

Thorne: Liara? I don't know. She seems a little suspicious, but I think I'll let it go

Kaidan: She seems like a sweet girl. Easy on the eyes. I mean... If you like the bookish sort

Jenkins: Ooh. Any intentions there, Alenko?

Kaidan: Nah. Just art appreciation. What about you, Thorne?

Thorne: Lets just say Liara's not the lady I've got my eye on...

Jenkins: Ok Thorne, I see you

Kaidan: Honestly, I feel like there's something wrong with all this. Saren's looking for records on some kind of galactic extinction. But we can't get any backup from the council? There's writing on the wall here, but someone isn't reading it

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