Attack on Feros

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(Joker docks the Normandy on Feros and takes a break once he shuts off the engine)

(Shepard, Thorne, Ashley, Kaidan, Jenkins, Garrus, Wrex, Tali, and Liara all come out through the airlock)

(But as they get out, a colonist walks up to them)

Colonist: We saw your ship. Fai Dan wants to speak to you in person

Shepard: Who's Fai Dan?

Colonist: He's our leader. He needs your help to prepare for the geth. They're making another push. Up the stairs past the-

(A rocket strikes nearby, swiping everyone off their feet)

(Shepard and company had shields, but the colonist didn't. He's dead now)

Jenkins: Already?!

Thorne: Welcome to Feros

(Some geth troopers start deploying energy barriers and shooting at the squad, but they all load their guns and get ready for battle)

(Shepard, Kaidan, Ashley, and Jenkins lead the charge using assault rifles, while Wrex uses his shotgun)

(Tali and Liara use submachine guns to provide support)

(The squad works together to mow down the initial geth troopers)

(As more geth troopers come in, Thorne and Garrus use their sniper rifles to take them down from a distance. The ones that get close are killed by everyone else)

(The squad goes to move up some stairs, but some geth hoppers are jumping around, so everyone has to keep mobile while trying to shoot the hoppers)

(At the top of the stairs, the squad comes across some colonists trying to hold the entrance to the tunnel as a choke point)

Colonist: Hold your fire!

Colonist: Good. Soldiers are here. Our numbers are getting thin

Colonist: Head into the tunnels. Make sure they're secure

(A few colonists head into the tunnel to check it for geth)

(Shepard leads the squad through a settlement until they find Fai Dan talking to a couple of colonists)

Fai Dan: Oh. Commander. I'm glad they finally sent somebody to help us

Arcelia: You're a bit late, aren't you?

Fai Dan: Arcelia! Sorry, Commander. Everyone's been on edge since-

Arcelia: Watch out! We've got geth in the tower!

Fai Dan: Protect the heart of the colony!

(More geth troopers come in and try to attack the colony, but everyone rushes to defensive positions and opens fire on the geth)

(Fai Dan and Arcelia stay behind with the other colonists to keep the area safe while Shepard leads his squad through a doorway and up some stone stairs)

(Shepard, Wrex, and Ashley charge right in and completely shred through the geth in the close quarters conditions. Everyone else holds their fire to avoid hitting them)

(The squad spreads out more once it reaches a large room, and some geth drones fly in the air)

(Liara uses her submachine gun to destroy a drone. Thorne and Garrus pinpoint the other drones and snipe them down)

(Kaidan uses his biotic abilities to slam some geth troopers against a wall)

(Tali uses a grenade to blow up a couple of geth troopers behind an energy barrier)

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