Epilogue (short)

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(Shepard, Thorne, Anderson, and Udina are gathered before the galactic council)

(Udina has a black eye, and he was still a little steamed at Anderson at first, but he let it go because his decision ultimately contributed towards saving the galaxy)

(Everyone else is watching from the sidelines)

Tevos: Ambassador. Captain. Commander. Lieutenant-Commander. We have all gathered here today to recognize the enormous contributions of the alliance forces in the war against Sovereign, Saren, and the geth

Valern: Many humans lost their lives in the battle to save the citadel. Brave and courageous soldiers who willingly laid down their lives so that we, the council, might live

Sparatus: There is no greater sacrifice. And we share you grief over the tragic loss of so many noble men and women. Their sacrifices will not go unacknowledged. And they will be remembered as heroes of the highest honor. We will erect a statue on the citadel in their honors

Tevos: The council also owes you a great personal debt, Commander Shepard. One that I don't believe can even be repaid. You saved not just our lives, but also the lives of trillions across the galaxy from Sovereign and the geth

Valern: Commander Shepard. Your heroic and selfless actions serve as a symbol of everything humanity and the alliance stand for

Shepard: Thank you, councilor. But I didn't do it alone. Far from it. I would like to thank the crew of the Normandy and the alliance for their support

Sparatus: Well said, Commander. Though we cannot being back those valiant soldiers who gave their lives to save ours, we can honor their memories through our actions. We must carry on for them

(Tevos, Valern, and even Sparatus look at each other and nod)

Tevos: Humanity has shown it is ready go stand as a defender and a protector of the galaxy. You have proved that you are indeed worthy to join our ranks and serve beside us on the citadel council

Udina: Councilor. On behalf of the alliance, we thank you for this prestigious honor. And we humbly accept

Valern: We will need a list of potential candidates to fill humanity's seat on the council

Tevos: Given all that has happened, I am sure your recommendation will carry a great deal of weight, Commander. Do you support any particular candidate?

Shepard: The four of us have talked it over, and we have decided that we want a true advocate for humanity on the council. Someone who will protect the interest of not only humanity, but every species no matter what. Which is why we nominate Ambassador Donnel Udina

Tevos: The ambassador has worked with the council in the past. And we are familiar with his style and methods

Sparatus: A little too familiar, you could say

Udina: Oh, you haven't seen anything yet, councilor Sparatus. I've been holding back

Tevos: I am certain we will all learn to work together in time

(Udina shakes hands with Tevos, Valern, and Sparatus)

(Anderson shakes hands with Udina as if he didn't just knock him tf out mere hours earlier)

Sparatus: Sovereign's defeat marks the beginning of a new era for both humanity and the council

Shepard: As much as I'd love to celebrate, there are still geth left, and Sovereign was only a vanguard for something even bigger. The reaper fleet is still coming. Hundreds of ships, maybe thousands. And I'm going to find some way to stop them

Udina: Shepard's right. Humanity is ready to do it's part. United with the rest of the council, humanity has the strength to overcome any challenge. When the reapers come, we must stand side by side. When the reapers come, we must stand side by side. We must fight against them as one. And together, we will drive them back into dark space!

Thorne: Shepard. About back there, I'm sorry I doubted you

Shepard: No worries

Tevos: Commander. Do you have any final words to conclude this meeting?

Shepard: I do, councilor

Liara: Oh no...

(Shepard takes the microphone and looks straight at Liara in the crowd)

Shepard: We'll bang, ok?

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