The Conduit

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(Joker pilots the Normandy towards Ilos, but the scanners pick up geth activity)

Joker: Uh... Commander? We've got company

Liara: Have their sensors picked us up yet?

Joker: Stealth systems are engaged. Unless we get close enough for visual, they won't have any idea we're here

Pressly: Picking up some strange readings from the planet's surface

Shepard: Take us down, Joker. Lock in on the coordinates

Pressly: Negative on that, Commander. The nearest landing zone's two klicks away

Ashley: We'll never make it in time on foot. Get us something faster!

Pressly: There is nowhere closer! I've looked!

Thorne: We don't need to drop in on foot. We can just drop in the Mako

Pressly: You'd need at least 100 meters of open terrain to pull off a drop like that. The most I can find near Saren is 20

Shepard: We'll make it work

Kaidan: With 20 meters? There's no way we can make a drop in there

Liara: We won't know if we don't try

Ashley: Find another landing zone

Pressly: There is no other landing zone!

Thorne: I know this is crazy, but I think it's just crazy enough to work

Tali: The descent angle's too steep!

Garrus: What choice do we have?

Liara: None. It's our only option

Ashley: It's not an option! It's a suicide run!

Kirrahe: So was Virmire

Wrex: And Noveria. And Feros. But that didn't stop us

Thorne: We've made something of a reputation of pulling off the impossible

Joker: I can do it

Shepard: Joker?

Joker: I said I can do it

Shepard: You heard the man. Ground team, gear up and head down to the Mako. Joker. Drop us right on top of that bastard

Joker: Aye aye, Commander!

Thorne: Strap yourselves in and brace for impact. It's gonna be a bumpy ride

(Shepard, Thorne, Kaidan, Ashley, Garrus, Wrex, Tali, Liara, and Kirrahe all head down to the Mako and hop in as Joker makes his approach with the Normandy)

(On the ground, Saren and his geth forces are marching into some kind of temple, but he's surprised to see the Normandy taking a huge nosedive in altitude)

Saren: Keep moving. Inside. Now!

(Saren and the geth quickly run into a temple and seal the door)

(Right after the door shuts, Joker makes the Normandy drop off the Mako and pull up just in time)

(Shepard uses the Mako's boost jets to soften the landing impact, and he does a drift to deal with the forward momentum)

Shepard: This is your captain speaking. We have landed safely

Everyone: (Cheering and high-fiving)

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