The Salarian Camp

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(As the ground team is gearing up, Joker flies the Normandy towards Virmire)

Joker: Commander, I'm reading a signal. It must be our salarian infiltration team

Kaidan: Woah. Check out those defense towers

Thorne: They don't look like ours

Shepard: Drop the Mako. We'll go in hot and take them out

Joker: I'll get you in underneath their radar, Commander

(The ground team loads into the Mako, and Joker makes a swoop to drop it)

(The Mako detaches from the Normandy and lands smoothly)

Joker: We've got a clean drop, Commander

Jenkins: Good job, Joker

Shepard: Stay out of range and continue evasive maneuvers until we bring those AA towers down

Joker: I know the drill. I'll meet you at the camp once those towers are offline. Joker out

Ashley: Lets roll, Commander

(Shepard drives while Thorne gets on the turret, and the Mako speeds along a shallow river)

(Shepard has to steer carefully as not to hit any rock, but then some geth assault drones fly into view, so Thorne shoots them down with the Mako's machine gun)

(As Shepard speeds further along the canyon, a squad of geth rocket troopers try to use rockets to attack the Mako, so Shepard activates the boost jets)

(The Mako flies above the rockets and lands right on the geth rocket troopers, crushing them)

(A couple of geth rocket drones attack from behind, so Thorne turns the machine gun around and shoots them right out of the sky)

(A couple of rockets hit the Mako, but it's shields are still holding)

(Some geth juggernauts try to attack the Mako head on, only to be blown up by one of the Mako's rockets)

(Up ahead there's a geth barricade, which Thorne uses the machine gun and rockets on, taking out most of the geth troopers)

(Shepard destroys the energy barrier and runs over the last of the geth troopers at the barricade with the Mako)

(There's a building ahead with a bunch of geth troopers in it, but Shepard parks behind a large rock for cover while Thorne does his thing with the Mako's machine gun)

(Eventually, Thorne exterminates the geth troopers in the building, and Shepard drives under it)

(On the other side of the building is a geth colossus, and it charges up it's energy cannon)

(The geth colossus hits the Mako with it's energy cannon, reducing it's shields to half)

(Shepard presses on the gas, and the Mako drives ahead full speed)

(The Mako does a drift below the geth colossus' legs as Thorne hits it from below with machine gun bullets and a rocket)

(The geth colossus took too much damage to the undercarriage, and it collapses)

(Some geth armatures are ahead, but Thorne uses the Mako's turret to destroy them)

(Up ahead is the target. It's a building with the AA gun controls, but it's filled with geth destroyers and shock troopers)

Shepard: Cover me!

(Everyone hops out of the Mako as Jenkins hops onto it's turret)

(Shepard and Thorne run up some stairs and blaze right through the geth forces in a building with their assault rifles while the rest of the squad clears out the geth forces on the outside)

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