Finding the Thorian

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(Shepard, Thorne, Ashley, Kaidan, Jenkins, Garrus, Wrex, Tali, and Liara are standing over some geth trooper corpses with gunshot holes as they reload)

(Near them is a giant geth anchor latched into the exogeni facility)

Tali: I recognize these. The geth use these claws to anchor their ships to the sides of buildings

Jenkins: That's subtle as a boot to the face

Ashley: Wait, how do we cut the power if it's coming from the ship?

Tali: It will be difficult. We can check the claws for weaknesses, but the geth are very thorough

Kaidan: Heads up! Geth incoming!

(Everyone turns their attention to the door as some geth troopers are on the attack, so they open fire)

(A few geth troopers fall dead, but the rest return fire)

(Everybody ducks into cover and ambushes the geth troopers when they get close. Now that whole group of geth troopers is dead)

(A couple of krogan come charging at the squad and start firing their assault rifles)

(Thorne and Garrus use their sniper rifles to eliminate their shields before they get close. Shepard, Ashley, Jenkins, and Wrex attack them head on, slaying them)

(Shepard downloads the data from a still working computer, and presses on)

(As the squad heads up some stone stairs, they find more geth troopers, which are quickly dealt with using the element of surprise)

Wrex: There's another claw. Lets destroy it!

Kaidan: We don't have the ordnance

Tali: Lets just keep looking

(Shepard finds a repair note saying that if a door recieves too much pressure from the valves, it closes with enough force to sever a metal beam)

(He gets an idea and overloads the door, making it close and cut one of the geth ship's anchors off)

(With that anchor gone, the weight of the geth ship without it's engines sends it crashing down to the ground, and it explodes once it hits the ground)

Squad: (Cheering)

Garrus: Quick thinking, Shepard

(Shepard and Garrus high five)

Tali: The energy field barring the exit is down!

Liara: Now we can go find this "thorian" creature

Ashley: I'd like to have seen the face of their pilot when that thing toppled

Kaidan: Here's a hint. It looks like a flashlight

Tali: I hope that ship was full of those geth bastards

Wrex: Hear hear!

Jenkins: It probably was, given that the only places we saw geth are where the ship was

(As everyone's chatting, Joker's voice sounds on their comms)

Joker: I repeat, Normandy to shore party. Are you reading? Anyone there? Commander Shepard? Thorne? Come on, talk to me!

Thorne: The energy field is down. Shore party reads you loud and clear. Send traffic

Shepard: Joker. What's going on over there?

Joker: We're in lockdown here, Commander. Something's happened to the colonists. They're banging on the hull, trying to claw their way inside the ship. They're freaking out!

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