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The loud sirens of an ambulance, and the wailing of family members rang through her ears, as she walked in the hospital. Her eyes were cold when they saw the family of yet another patient.  It was only that for her.
A patient.

The woman, preferably the patient's mother rushed up to her,  holding her hands, and begging in tears, "Please-pl-ease doctor....please cure my child!" Broken eyes of the woman held hope that she desperately tried to cling on. Her child was at stake.

Y/n felt a weight put on her shoulder, that she never asked for. Her eyes were cold, as she pulled her hands out of the patient's mother's hand patiently as she said calmly, "Ma'am, we can try, but it's not in our hand's if she lives or dies...," Her tone too calm, to talk about someone's death as she ruthlessly crushed a mother's heart with her few words.

The woman fell on the floor, sobbing. Y/n had a perfect composure, that her fellow doctors found very cold, as they stared at the poor woman sobbing, sympathetically. 

Y/n stepped aside, continuing her way to the operation ward, where she continued to change into properly cleansed and sanitized coats and gloves.

The unconscious body was brought in, and Y/n's eyes fell on the large gnash on the forehead of the teenager, before her eyes slid down to her hands, where scars from self harm lay, with a deep newly made slit with a knife on her wrist. Right above her nerves. Her emotionless eyes stared at the face of her patient, as she calmly ordered,  "Hand the cotton." She explained,  "The injuries are major, and messy,  they cannot be operated without cleaning them first."

Her voice was cold, as she felt not an ounce of sympathy for the girl laying on the bed, fighting death. Too calm for someone who saves lives, and there wasn't a single urgency in her motions as she slowly worked on the patient, taking her sweet time for those who saw her working. Her eyes were focused but the expression of her face looked as if she was taking a stroll in the garden.

Her hands swiftly but calmly worked on cleaning the wound, whilst her colleagues worked on the wrist slit. "Anesthetic." She put her hand out for an injection, which she tapped up on for removing any air in the injection. She wordlessly injected the Anesthetics, before she commanded, "Tweezers."

She pulled out the smalled pieces of glass shards stuck on the girls forehead,  drawing rich amount of blood. Later on she slowly worked on removing the larger shards, seeing large amount of blood drawing out, she ordered quietly. "Re-position her so that her head is above her chest level."

Seeing the wound was deep she sighed, there goes my sleep tonight. She sneered behind her mask, as she quickly worked on operating the wound. The beeping of the machine monitoring the heartbeat indicating the critical situation,  making the surgeons surrounding Y/n nervous.  She won't make it.

They glanced at each other exchanging the same conclusion, staring at the girl lying down on the bed. "Needle, nurse." Y/n calmly took the needle from the nurse, stitching up the girl, as they stared at you in confusion. Her emotionless eyes were focused on doing her job, before finally looking at the beeping machine before she sighed. "Bring the cotton, her head is bleeding too much."

After a few minutes, She asked for another injection filled with medication, before inserting the needle in the patient's arm.

About what looked like a few hours,  She stepped back from the patient,  staring at her handiwork with cold eyes, hearing the steady beating of heart in the background.  All the doctors stared at Y/n in amazement,  as she walked out of the operation theatre, removing the bloody gloves, and sanitizing her hands, and taking off the bloody lab coat, and slipping into a clean one.

The mother of the girl, stood up looking at Y/n  with hopeful eyes, as she hurried over asking, "How is she? Is she okay?" The woman looked worried, as Y/n stared at her with emotionless eyes, and spoke without any empathy. "She is out of danger, But I'm afraid she won't be able to remember anything and may even suffer some mental problems. Please step aside now." The woman froze, as her eyes widened.

Y/n wordlessly walked away, moving towards her cabin, leaving people whispering behind. The nurses had an irritated expression. One of them spoke up, "Such an arrogant and cold person! Such a terrible attitude!" The other on nodded, glaring at the back of the doctor, "True! Look at her, how emotionless she is! The mother was crying, but she never blinked an eye and had gone ahead telling her things weren't in her hands." The first nurse nodded, agreeing,  "Even now, giving away such devastating news, she was as emotionless as ever."

They fogot that it was her who actually saved a patient, wasn't even supposed to live let alone be absolutely fine.


Y/n walked out of the hospital in normal clothes, driving back home late at night. Her face was cold as she opened the door of her own house, seeing her mother waiting for her. The old woman gave her a smile, about to say something when Y/n walked away without another word. Again, With her earphones in her ear blasting loud music.

Her mother had a hurt expression on her face, as she stared at the back of her daughter.  Y/n's sister layed a hand on her mother's shoulder as she smiled weakly, "Don't worry eomma.....she will come around." Mrs. Kim had a pained expression as she shook her head, her voice hurt, "She hates me....does she not Ara-yah?" Ara felt tears rise in her eyes, as she looked at the separate stairs made to especially lead to your room.

She forced a smile and shook her head. "Eomma, its just some difficult work, Unnie loves you, I know."

You banged the door behind you as you entered your room, changing into a new pair of clothes and laying down on your bed. Your stomach growled in hunger, but you stayed up so that you wouldn't have to see anyone's face.

You sighed, closing your eyes, and pulling out the airpods and just placing them on the night stand too tired to search for the stupid case.

This was you.....Kim Y/n.....

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