chapter 1

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My frantic heart galloped to the beat of its own drum, as i stared at myself in the mirror, big turquoise orbs staring back at me,surrounded by a waterfall of chestnut curly hair. Today was the day... The day that I started my new life. College is a big deal, or at least that's what my mother used to say. Not that i would be having any problems doing my work, I did graduate top of my class in High School. Examining my appearance in the mirror, I nod in aproval towards my appearance that is reflected back at me; a washed out blue jean, a sweetheart neck-line strapless shirt almost a shade of pink-kind of pearl colour, and my black flats. My nerves were overwhelming. My heart felt as if it was about to jump out of my chest and into my mouth.I stayed in the dorm rooms on campus. My roommate, Elena Robinson, comes from a fine line of lawyers. Her father owns one of the biggest law firms in Vancouver. She is studying, as you would guess,law, and i am studying... well, cultural journalism. yes i know not as impressive as studying law but its my passion. I love literature, in any form and i hope to become a renowned novel writer. god i should stop procrastinating and get my lazy bum out of this room. After greeting Elena, i headed out of the dorm room and into the hallway. the hallway was crammed of student heading back and forth from dorm room to dorm room and back and forth from the bathroom, which was unisex. An awkward situation If i do say so myself. Feeling very self-conscious i kept my head down and walked on out of the building. My jaw dropped open as I saw how many students filled the campus. And I thought my dorm block was crowded! I had my class schedule crumbled up in the front pocket of my jeans. I remembered glancing at it this morning and it said i had philosophy first. My excitement was threatening to overflow into a giant mixed-emotion frenzy of tears, laughter and some unknown emotion, was is anger? Annoyance?

Heading towards the building which I assumed was my philosophy class, I passed so many people; Jocks, former cheerleader-looking girls, a group of students that seemed to be nerds? A group of obvious Goth students, and then there was, well, me... I didn't belong in any group... In high school I was a nobody. There was even a time that these really mean group of girls nade a list of the biggest losers at scholl, and i had no trouble finding my way up to number one on the list. Even the weird kids didn't want to chill with me because they said they would be picked on more if they were seen with me. So my whole life i went without having friends, just floating by social events and gatherings. Now in front of the lecture hall where i would be getting my first class, I really felt the nerves kick in. What if i embarrassed myself in front of hundreds of students. What if the teacher has the uncontrollable need to label me a loser again? No! This will be my time now I will not be labeled the biggest loser. I am an amazing individual that will not be brought down by mean, hormonal teenagers that want to be better than everyone else. I will be-OH FUCK.... As i opened the door my words just faded and obliterated into thin air, and just like that i felt as tiny as an ant. No tinier than a ant, i felt as tiny as a louse on the head of a giant.

The lecture hall was filled with mean, attractive Individuals. frozen in my step, I appeared frozen in my step in front  of the doorway gaping at the sight before me. I was paralyzed from fear, until I was brought out from my seemingly unshakeable trance of fear as my shoulder felt a sharp nudge and my face plummeted down towards the ground meeting it with an audible thud.My books and pens laid sprawled in front of me. That's when I heard a deep smooth voice which seemed to have an English accent, say to me.

"Some of us actually want a seat you know. So stop standing in the way!" I felt tears spring to my eyes, god, I've always been such a softy . I started gathering my books and pens as I started to mumble under my breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" My voice vanished as I looked up and saw cold, icy blue eyes staring at me in disaproval. his eyes seemed to be the only thing i could see. Transfixed by his gaze i just sat there, on the lecture hall floor, gaping at his inhumane eyes. It seemed as though they could stare right into your soul and read your deepest, darkest secrets.I was Ripped out of my state of hypnosis as i felt a sharp flick on the tip of my button nose. Shaking my head and rubbing my tender nose, i looked up at the unknown manly figure in front of me quizzically as if asking a silent question. He rolled his glacier eyes and spoke again.

" didn't your parents ever teach you that its rude to stare. Obvious that this was a rhetorical question, I turned a shade of scarlet when i realized i was staring at a guy i don't even know. here we go, I am already the loser on campus,

" well didn't your parents teach you not to hit a girl?" The snappy tone evident in my reply, referring to how he flicked my nose. the guy in front of me just shrugged before saying.

"I can do what i want. Who's going to stop me. you? You don't even look like you could hurt a butterfly!" getting slightly annoyed i clambered on to my knees and straightened myself up and said.

"well first of all I wouldn't want to hurt a butterfly because they are adorable. Secondly, there is no excuse to pushing a girl over just because you can. So i would appreciate it if you would apologize to me!" As if enlightened to a funny joke, his shoulders moved up and down as his cynical laugh filled the air like a cold ice breeze. As he leaned down he looked me square in the face and said.

"I don't apologize to anyone." And with the slightest of ease he lifted his hand and ever so gently pushed me over so that my books went flying out of my hands again and fell on my backside. before i could protest at him pushing me over he was already heading towards the crowd to find a seat. Enraged by this manchild's audacity to treat me so small I started gathering my books up once again; a rogue tear threatening to cascade down my cheek. I quickly dismiss it as i feel a gentle hand on my back.

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