Chapter 4

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I'm running through the woods. Its so dark, and cold. I don't know where I am. All I know is that I'm running from something. I scream for help but my voice doesn't come out. How did I get here? Why is this happening to me? Running for my life, I trip and fall into a dark hole. I hear crunch noises as I move around, when I look around me, all I see is human bones laying all around me. I scream for help as I hear footsteps crunching against pine needles on the ground. I look up and see Ice blue eyes staring at me, and silver hair glowing in the moon light. The eerie silence is filled with the cynical laugh of a man. Someone I know. Focusing on the figure, I see who it is. Alaster Valentine.


I wake up with a cold sweat dripping down my face. My heart beating so fast it sounded like I had ran a 100Km marathon... Panting audibly I blink around my room which is covered in darkness. I glance off to my right where my eyes are met by a few neon green digits. It was only 2 am... I looked over towards Elena's bed and noticed she still hadn't come back... She probably stayed the night by someone. The nightmare had me jumpy and skittish about everything and almost had me too scared to go back to sleep... Almost... I close my eyes and slowly drift off into a deep sleep once again.

I am golted awake by the beeping sound of my alarm. I stretch my arm out to my alarm clock and smack the off button, covering my head with my blanket. I really hated mornings. Especially this one... This meant I would have to see Him again, and after last nights incident. I am not sure I will be able to face him without turning beet red. I mean, he totally laughed in my face when I said I will not stand for his arrogancy! He obviously doesn't take me seriously And after that really innapropriate comment, who knows what else this guy is capable of. Memory jumping back to last night I remember his name. Alaster Angelos Valentine. Sounds almost Spanish. Kind of mysterious... Kind of hot.... NO!! What are you thinking Kaitlen!!! There is no way in heaven or in hell that you will ever think anything of him is "kind of hot". I sigh as I sit up in bed.

"Great I'm talking to myself. Might as well send me off to an assylum now." Climbling lazily out of bed I head for my closet. I wonder for a moment what I should wear. My memory jolts back to when Alaster said I hardly own anything stylish. Pfft, I'll show him!! I head to my drawers and take out a spagetti strap top, my jean mini skirt, my pair of calve-high brown furry boots and my plain silver chain. I quickly change out of my Pj's and into my clothes for the day. I glance at my appearance in the mirror and decide that I should straighten my hair and put on a little bit of lip gloss.

An hour later, I head out of my dorm room, greeting the now familiar scene of students scurrying from dorm to dorm to get themselves ready for their first class. I walked down the hall, and noticed how a few College guys literally stopped in their tracks and took a double take of me. They probably thinking "what a loser" brushing them off I head to the campus main court, and once again more heads turn when they see me. Is there something on my face? Do I look like a wild animal or something. Suddenly I felt a light hand grab hold of my wrist and I swiftly turned around, my eyes meeting the face of a petit looking blonde haired girl with hazel eyes. Her frame was really tiny, tinier than mine. She had rosey cheeks which seemed to almost bulge into her eyes with the wide grin plastered on her face.

" Oh my god! You look amazing! You have to tell me where you shop! Oh, I'm Sally by the way. I'm in your anthrepology class? Nevermind that, I saw you yesterday looking all glum and lost so today I said. Hey sally why not make friends with Kaitlen over there. Oh gosh... I'm rambeling aren't I? I'm so sorry. I want us to be friends..." She grinned at me sheepishly. Caught off gaurd by someone actually concidering to talk to me a confused frown creased my brow.. Sally's face dropped in response before she continued.

" Who am I kidding. You don't need me as a friend. You probably got tons of friends already..." I blinked at sally bemused before replying.

"Not actually. I'm not really a social butterfl-"

"GREAT!" She screached and jumped up and down for a few seconds, before straightening herself up and continuing.

" I mean, not 'great' that you don't have friends, but great because now I can be your friend. You heading to Anthropology now right? Well let's walk together!" Before I could reply she had already linked her arm in to mine and dragged me along side her. This was a new experience. Someone was actually talking to me. I actually made a friend. Admittedly she is a little too chirpy for my liking, but hey, beggers can't be choosers. My feet followed in defeat as we both headed to our first class.


hey every one how you doing?

So this is chapter four sorry i took so long to update but can only do that on a laptop.  hope you guys enjoying my book so far

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