Chapter 8

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A shrill scream echoed through my dorm room as I woke up from one of the worst nightmares in the past two weeks. Frantically looking around the room, I made sure no one was around. Alaster had went back to his dorm after our make out session, which I still can't believed happened. Slowly steadying my breath I gathered my composure and sat up in my bed. My phone started to vibrate on my study desk as I sat up. Reaching for my phone I saw the message was from an un saved number. The message stated.

Everything is going to be okay. Evil never wins.

Ever since I've come to this college weird things have been happening in my life. Closing the message I glanced at the time; it was only two in the morning, I was exhausted and did not have the strength to think about that stuff right now. My eyes fell shut as exhaustion took over and I fell into a deep sleep again.

The sun had leaked into my room by the time I woke up again. Glancing over at my phone, I saw that there was a message. Curious as to who it was I sat up straight in my bed, rubbed my eyes and sleepily grasped my phone in my hand, staring through sleep deprived eyes I see that the message in from my aunt,she wants to meet for lunch today. At least that would take my mind off everything. Reading the message more carefully I see that she said I should meet her at the little coffee house outside of vancouver, luckily there was a bus stop there, because I did not have a car, although I desperately need one!! Climbing out of bed I headed for the showers. Today I did not care if anyone was in there or if anyone was going to see my body, I had bigger things to worry about, like a Professor trying to kill me.

A half an hour later I was back in my room, dressed and all ready to go, and it was only ten o'clock. Realising that I have actually been to preoccupied to be on my phone the past two weeks, I quickly went on my facebook, not that I had any friends on there, I mean I was basically a recluse when it came to friends. Opening up the up my mouth dropped open. Scrolling down I saw that over a thousand people wanted to be my friend on Facebook. How is that even possible?! Shaking my head in disbelief I started accepting all of the requests, until I froze at one; Elena Robinson. She has been missing for two weeks, how could she have sent a friend request, staring at my phone puzzled my phone vibrate in my hand indicating I had a message. It was the same unknown number from earlier.

Don't go. Its a trap. They coming for you.

My body went ice cold as I read the message. Those words sent chills of fear down my body. Who was this person and why would they send me this. Feeling annoyed and scared at the same time, I stuffed my phone into my back jean pocket. It was a message from my aunt, no one was gonna hurt me except for maybe a bad cup of coffee, or tea.

I was in front of the coffee house at exactly twelve. My aunts car was not there yet. Maybe she was still coming. Standing outside I faced the small coffee house admiring the petite structure of it., that's when something bright, almost silver flashed by the back of the coffee house. Curiosity has always been my enemy, so naturally I went to go check it out. Approaching the corner, I peaked my head out so I could see the back of the coffee house, but immediately exposed my whole body when I saw it was just a boy of maybe twenty two. I was just about to turn around and head back to the entrance, when the boy turned around and crimson red eyes were staring back at me. Oh no.... I tried to move, but I couldn't. I was paralysed in my spot. The boys jet black hair danced on the side of his face as he walked closer and closer to me.

"Oh, how lovely. You are much more beautiful than the master had said you would be! I see you got my message, otherwise, you wouldn't be here." He said while having a wicked, almost monstrous smile on his face. This boy was going to kill me, and they won't ever find my body because no one knows where I went. As if he could read my mind, he said.

"Don't worry, I'm not going kill you. I'm just going poison you, that's all." As if poisoning was any better than killing me! Fear overcame my body, but I couldn't move. I couldn't scream for help either, because my voice seemed to be paralysed too. Now inches away from my face he lifted his pale white hand and stroked it over my face. His skin was ice cold; as cold As death. Lifting his face he kissed each temple on the side of my face, and I felt my vision blur. The boy stepped back and stared at me in satisfaction, waiting for me to fall to the ground. Before I fell to the ground, I heard myself whisper one thing.


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