Chapter 10

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The cold air stung my face. Dead leaves crunched under my feet. I was walking somewhere, searching for someone, someplace or something. I hear a voice whisper my name before I feel how my body is lifted up in strong arms and my body is consumed by warmth. I felt safe in these arms. I open my eyes tiresome and see Alasters silver hair shining in the moonlight, seeing him under the moonlight made him look godly. I felt weak, my arms could barely lift up as I tried to reach to Alaster's face.

"Don't fall in love with me." Were the last words I said before everything went black.

I woke up the next morning feeling like a train had rode over me, twice. Was I over stressed? Exhausted? I did not know what was wrong with me. Rolling over to my right side I saw Alaster fast asleep next to me. He looked so peaceful, and his features seemed so soft, softer than his usual, cynical, mean demeanour. I felt at peace just looking at him, until suddenly I felt bile rise in my stomach and nausea hitting me ten fold. I rushed towards the toilet we had in our dorm as I couldn't hold it back anymore. I heaved a few times nothing coming out, until all the contents in my stomach emptied out into the toilet. Having no doubt that my gagging and vomiting had woken Alaster up, I closed the bathroom door.

"Kaitlen?" I heard him call on the other side of the door.

"Are you alright?" Annoyed by my vomiting I replied in a snappy irritated and sick tone.

"Does it sound like I'm al-" I got cut off as more bile rose and emptied into the toilet, wiping my mouth I gasped for air before shouting to Alaster.

"Just please go!" The room fell silent for a few seconds before he replied.

"I'm not going anywhere. What's wrong? Does this have to do with you sleep walking last night? Maybe I should take you to the doctor. I have a friend. He will check you out." Thankful that the vomiting had stopped I stood up, wiped my mouth with toilet paper before grabbing my tooth brush and opening the door.

"I was sleep walking last night? I thought that was just a dream?" I said very confused, disgusted by the aftertaste of the bile.

"Yes you did sleep walk, but luckily I followed you and carried you back before you wondered too deep into the forest." He had true concern edged on his face. This was weird. I really thought I was only dreaming... Apparently not. I stayed quiet for a second before replying.

"That friend of yours, is he far from campus?" Alaster let out a sigh of relief obviously grateful that I was not stubborn and agreed to be helped.

"No he's about a mile from campus." Silence filled the room once again before I spoke.

"Okay fine, but let me at least take a shower and brush my teeth please!" Alasters face lit up before stepping closer towards me.

"Can I join?" He asked. At first I laughed thinking he was joking, but when I looked at his face it was clear of any humorous look. Feeling my face flush scarlet I kept calm as I replied.

"Only in your dreams buddy." Turning on my heal I headed out of the dorm room before Alaster could say anything... The nerve that guy has... He's so infuriatingly Hot!

Don't fall in love with him...

My subconscious reared her ugly head as she woke up from a long long sleep.


About a half an hour later I stepped out of the bathroom, fully dressed and cleaned and thankful for the minty taste that replaced the taste of bile. Alaster was leaned up against the wall opposite the bathroom door, obviously waiting for me.

"Took you long enough!" He said in a fake exasperated tone. A giggle escaped my mouth but quickly went away at Alasters expression. He seemed surprised. Shocked. My face fell flat before I asked.

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