chapter 12

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It was dark in the small room I still could not see who pulled me in... It seemed familiar but at the same time not so much.
" Hello?" I call out but no one answers. Until suddenly the light goes on and I see long silver hair and amber eyes.


She hasn't been seen in over two weeks, and even then she had brown hair...

"Elena? Where have you been? Everyone had been searching for you!" She glanced out the door before she replied.
"And they will Continue looking for me.. They can never know I'm back... If they do I'm gonna have to make a decision..." She paused for a moment and examined my very confused face before carrying on.
" The text... I sent it to you the other day. Did you head my warning?"
" wait that was you? There was nothing there or at least I woke up and couldn't remember anything..."
"Damnit they got to you. Was the poison removed?"
" Yes,Alastet took me to some doctor. Wait are you trying to tell me that you are one of those Forbidden ones?" I say the words as if they taste bad in my mouth. Not her too... This college is filled with crazies!
" You know of us... Anyways that's not the point. Watch your back Kaitlen.. If you dont , you too will be forced to be in hiding and forced to choose early."

This was way to much. I turned around and rubbed the templesbof my head before registering what she had just said.

Wait what? Choose what?

"What do you mean choose?" I ask as I turn around but she is already gone, I did not even hear her leave the room. Walking out the small room I see the hallways are empty and am completely grateful for that otherwise I too would look Luke a crazy person...

A whole day through classes and it went well. Except for the FAC that I had a lot of work to catch up on. It was a good day. When I went to Philosophy Professor Magnus was not there. He apparently was transferred to a university in New York. The world would be better off dead without him in the world, but I guess New York will just have to do for now. As I entered my room I saw a letter on the edge of my bed.

Don't forget my warning...


Mt head was still spinning from the encounter with Elena earlier and then I still had the date with Tay. I would have called to cancel but he did not give me a number so I couldn't and I did not want to be rude and just not show up. So I grabbed a short coral sundress and some clean underwear before I headed to the dorm bathroom.

Half an hour later I head out the bathroom and head dace first into a hard built chest that smeld faintly of vanilla. I peered up from under my long eyelashes to see who I had bumped into.
"Was that really necessary?" I ask defensive as I see who it was. Alaster placed his hand on my shoulder. His eyes were closed and his face was riddled in pain. It was weird seeing his smug face in pain.
" Let me go Alaster. I have a date-"
"Don't go..." He whispers under his breath.I almost could no hear him. He glanced up at me with his ice blue eyes. They were filled with distress and pain. What was up with him?
" look Alaster. I don't know what your beef with Taylor is but leave me out of it.." Alaster pushed himself away from me before punching the wall behind him out of anger. The wall cracked as if it was a carbon fibre wall he punched. His hand dripped with crimson liquid.through clenched teeth he said.
"If you go he's going to kill you. I was lucky enough to save you the last time. I won't be so lucky the next."
Here we go again. I feel how the blood rushes to my face with anger.
" Okay seriously, stop it! I don't buy the whole forbidden ones shit. You are a normal human being that just had some serious issues. I'm going on this date and there is nothing you can do to stop me!" I glance down at my wrist watch.
" Great Im late. Loom go get that hand checked out and after that. Leave me alone!" Before he can reply I turn on my heal and head towards the centre of campus. I can feel his eyes watching my every step.

What is up with him... To think I actually thought I liked him.
Suddenly the picture be drew of me the second day of classes pops in my head. He captured every detail of me on that paper , even the spe s of brown in my eyes. I reach the centre of campus and see Taylor standing in a black V-neck shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. His hair hung over his face and his pale green eyes were burning with an unknown fire.
" I almost thought you weren't gonna come." He calls out to me.
" I almost didn't. I have so much work to catch up on, but I thought one more night of freedom won't hurt nobody." Forcing a smile across my face I reach to where he is standing.
" So where are we going?" He smiles at me sweetly before I see him plunge an injection with transparent liquid in my neck and then before I know it, its just black.....

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