Chapter 2

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"Do you need help, or are you planning on just sitting there for the rest of the lecture?" His voice sounded very calm and sincere but it had an edge to it. I looked up and saw a man not younger than thirty looking down at me, with grey eyes, fair skin and a very well defined body shape. His jaw line was shaded with the five o'clock shadow and his eyes were framed with an ivory coloured frame of his glasses. It was obvious that he was our professor. beyond embarrassed I stood up clutching my books to my chest, attempting to keep my heart a steady beat. I looked up at the man before me and replied so softly my voice barely came out.

"I'm sorry, but some guy pushed me over when i was standing in the doorway and well, i don't have very good balance so before I knew it, I was on the ground." The man looked towards the direction where the unknown guy headed and said.

"Ah, Mr Valentine. Don't mind him he is just a big shot trying to prove hes alpha. I am Professor Magnus, and you are?" Blinking back surprise at the unknown guys surname i almost didn't register the question that Professor Magnus had asked.

"Oh, My name is Kaitlen. Kaitlen von Struass. I'm studying cultural journalism."

Professor Magnus linked at my surname obviously surprised by it before replying.

"Well miss Von Struass I hope your learning skills are better than your balancing skills." Flushing scarlet i gave him a nod of the head and turned around to face the many face which i slowly realized were all in seats and i was the only one not in a seat. Glancing around I saw almost no seat open for me to sit, until I saw one open. The seat next to the rude Mr Valentine was open. heading towards the seat next to me i glowered at the ground. I mean what kind of a surname is Valentine? What, is his birthday also on valentines day? I don't know how someone i barely know can infuriate me so much. Not making eye contact i took a seat, and faced forward. Not long after could I feel a burning gaze on me. It was evident that Mr. Pompous ass was staring at me.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you that its rude to stare?" Feeling very triumphant i smiled wickedly at myself.A slight chuckle sound came from my left side. He found that amusing? Uhg! he is so irritating!

" Do you lack originality, is that why you are using my words? that'sad for someone studying cultural journalism." Taken aback by his reply I turned to face his Glacier eyes blinking in shock at what he had just said to me.

"Excuse me?You don't even know me! How can you say i lack originality if you don't even know a single thing about me!"

"Kaitlen von Struass, Born in Portland on the 17th of February 1997. Your parents died when you were ten and you lived with your aunt until you graduated from high school and got a scholarship to study here at Crossroads university. You stay in the dorm rooms on campus and your roommate is Elena Robinson. You hardly own any stylish clothes in your closet and you hate coffee. Is that correct or am i making this all up?"

What the hell?! how did he know all this stuff. has he been stalking me or something.

"how do you know all that? Are you a stalker or something?" Now i definitly did not want to sit next to this guy. He was an obvious weirdo!Even more so than me. Once again a cynical laugh came out of his mouth before replying.

"oh sweetie, you'd be that lucky to have a stalker." His blue eyes burned into my turquoise eyes. It annoyed me that he knew everything about me but i only knew his surname and how his eyes looked. Thanks to that stupid hood he had on the only thing that was bright enough to be seen was his eyes. Compelled the need to pull the hood off my hand lifted up as if it had a mind of its own, and slowly headed towards his hood. before he could react to my hand being so close to his face i quickly pulled the hood down to reveal a full head of hair that seemed to be almost silver in the light. his jawline was square and his face was smooth and had almost no blemish on it except for the birthmark next to his eye that seemed to be in the shape of a star. he had very fair skin and now that all his other features were exposed his eyes didn't seem so cold anymore. they seemed illuminated y his other features. He seemed almost angelic. I observed every inch of his face and found myself whispering.

"who are you?" A wicked smile spread across his face and said.

"If i told you who i was, this wouldn't be half as fun as it is now." as if he was teasing me he winked and turned in his chair to face Mr. Magnus who was already halfway into the lesson. Who is this guy? How does he know everything about me?Why does he have the uncontrollable need to be mysterious and What the hell is his name????

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