chapter 16

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His dad killed my dad... He mustve known... I mean how could he not know it was his father... And he knew about my dad being an angel.... A fucking angel!

I had already head back to my dorm room. I went into my closet and slipped on a pair of frayed short back jean shorts. A spagetti strap black top with my calve high fluffly boots. I went out the dorm and was on a mission to find something, anything that would keep me from hunting down Alaster and hurting him myself! How did i get involved in all of this.... Why now? I could not grasp everything and what reasons it had to happen now. I dicided to walk around campus a bit...

I must have zoned out because when i came to i was three miles away from the campus and it started getting dark out... I had no idea where i was but I did not care. At least i was far away from Alaster. I sighed and sat down on a log next to the side of the road before i heard bushes ruffling behind me. I swung my head around and squinted my eyes to see if anyone was there.... But nothing. I turned around again And closed my eyes before i felt and ice cold blade pressed against my throat. My eyes jolted open and i glanced down noticing it was an athemei...

Not again!

I groaned audibly before asking the pirp a rhetorical question.

"Arent you guys getting tired of trying to kill me and always failing?"

"Shut the fuck up" I heard a harsh voice spit out these words as if they were like venom in his mouth. It has become really annoying having someone trying to kill me every other month. So thats how before i knew it i had twisted the unknown guys arm so that he was fave down in the dirt and the athemei was in my hand now.

" I wonder if athemeis work on demons too?" I muttered and the guy criwd out in horror.
"You arent going to kill me.... You just a scared little bitch that is standing in the way because she wants her daddy!" I tolled my eyes at his comment.
"I have no idea what that means... And your rogjt im not gonna kill you... Im gonnaake you suffer like you guys have been me suffer." And at that i stabned the athemei in to his back thigh. A shrill scream echoed through the forest. When it quieted down i spoke up. If you ever come near me again or try and kill me i swear i will aim for your heart next time.... Demon!" Becore i stomped off the way i came to where i was now.

Arriving back at camous my heart was raci g my my blood was boiling. I was beyond angry and was sick of the angel and demon mumbo jumbo. I spead walked to my dorm and heard someone call out my name from behind me.

It was Alaster.

He grabbed my wrist and without thinking i turned atound and connected my fist woth his jaw. Slate stumbled back more in shock than anything else.

Damn i didnt know I could be so badass...

"What the fuck was that for!?" He scolded as he cupped his jaw. I looked at him giving him the death glare before speaking.

"Dont play dumb Alaster. I know it was your dad that killed my parents and i know what my dad was and what I am... What i would like to know is why the fuck didnt you tell me?!" My voice sounded harsh, even I winced at it. Alaster just stood there bemused.

"Answer me!" I shouted and he winced before looking down and whispering something more to himself than to me.

"Speak up!" I shouted once more. This time he groaned and ran his hands through hia silver her before shouting in reply
"Because i did not want you to hate me!!! Damnit Kaitlen! This is serious shit. I Didnt even know my dad personally. That book of yours must have told you that a forbidden one ia exiled to earth. To live out their lives as a human until the day they needed to choose a side... I was fucking twelve when mt biological father went after yours. I was a kid! I had been kidnapped the day your parents were targeted. When my dad caused them to crash you all were still alive...." He paused and looked me dead in the eyes before he continued.
"Thats when I saw you.... Your arm was broken and you had blood on ur face.... I had to save you... So i took you to the nearest hospital ad smaal that I was and got you the help you needed. My dad found out about this and ever since the. Hes been trying to kill everything I care about to get me to join him! You are being hunted because I saved you all those years ago.... Because i fell in love with a nephillim and made the mistake of letting my father know that..."

Woah.... He had finally opened up about the truth... And allthis time I thought he was in on my parenta death but he saved me... Why couldnt I remember though...

"Why cant I remember you saving me??" Truly confused. I wasnt that young for me to forget but then again the trauma could of made me forget.

"You remember that doctor that helped with that poison... He had a amnesia remedythatade you forget you ever met me for your own protection... But somehow we ended up meeting again and even though you could not remember me... I could remember you and so could all my fathers goons..." It made sense and I could see this was killing him to say all this. He really blamed himself for everything....

"Why am i somehow a neccessary key to the d-demons plan?" I inquired... I remember Elena saying aomething like that.

"Because you are a nephillim... Getting a nephillim on their aide will tip the scale in their favour and they would forever rule absolutely... They would stop at nothin to either get you on their side or even take you out of the equation completely." I i made a silent 'o' with my mouth, wrapping my head around this all.

After a few moments of silence i walked up to Alaster and grabbed him into an intimate embrace and whispered.
"Thank you for telling me the truth." He stood there stunned for a moment before wrappig his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head in my neck... I felt tears drip down on my shoulder... He was crying?!

"I dont want to lose you..." He said in between sobs. This made my heart melt we both dropped tothe ground onto or knees. Lifted his face up and looked him deep in his icey blue eyes. He searched my face for some sort of reconciliation thats when i slowly movrd in and kissed him gently on his lips...

We sat there for a few minutes before i realized it was dark out so I told him.
"Come on. Im tired lets head in." He agreed and walked me to my dorm. At my door he kissed my forehead before turning o. His hill but bwforw he could walk away i grabbed hia wrist and asked shyly...
"D-do you mind sleeping by me tonight. I dont want to be alone." I felt how my cheeks warmed from embarrassment. I looked up through my lashes and saw a stunned Alaster standing infront of me. He smiled warmly before replying.


We headed in my room not bothering to change. He layed first and I layed infront of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing my neck and whispered.

"Good night... I love you." My heart skipped a beat at the last sentence and i just wrapped my hand around his and drifted into a peaceful sleep... I felt safe... Complete... Little did I know it would not last...

Hey everyone!!! So i am quite excited to continue this book though I have good news nd bad news.... Bad news is... This book is approaching its end... But GOOD NEWS is that there will be a sequel!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If there are any mistakes please comment and if you liked it please comment as well and vote please.
Thank you for reading


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