chapter 5

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As I slowly approached my last class for the day, I was grateful that Sally did not have this class with me... But someone else did. Alaster was in this class with me. Yes! Now  I can show him that I really do have style. I walked into the classroom and almost immediately caught Professor Magnus' attention. He looked at my outfit with a predatory look in his eyes. It gave me chills and freaked me out to the point where I could jump out of my own skin. ignoring the eyes on me I head straight towards my seat where Alaster had already been seated. He looked up from what looked like a note pad and stared at me square in the face. As I got closer I saw how his eyes slowly trailed down my body as he examined my outfit. As I got to my seat I saw that his lips were parted a little. That's right Valentine, take it all in. As I took a seat, Alaster returned his gaze back to the note pad in front of him, although, he wasn't making notes, he was drawing something; Pencil sketched eyes were looking at me as I glanced over to the paper.

"Wow!you can draw?!" I asked with genuine interest. Alaster let out a small chuckle before replying.

"Yes Kaitlen, I can draw. I'm not only a pretty face, I have talents too you know. Apart from running you up the wall and always succeeding to make you blush." As if reacting to his words my cheeks became warm and turned a shade of pink. Rolling my eyes at this, I turned away from the sketch, took out my laptop, opened my note pad to write down the notes of the days lessons. Just before I started taking down notes I turned to Alaster and said.

"Who even said you are Hot?" Placing emphasis on the last word, letting out a slight chuckle. Alaster looked me dead in the face before replying.

"Why dear Kaitlen. You did!" An impish grin swept across his face as my face turned crimson.

"I did not say tha-"

"Katilen Von Struass. Is there a problem back there?!" professor magnus cut me off in my fit of rage, I looked at him before replying.

" No sir, no problem at all." Feeling like a child being reprimanded for taking a cookie without permission, I felt Professor Magnus' gaze burn into me before he spoke once again.

" This is a classroom where we learn about the greatest mysteries and stories on Philosophy. This is not a social class where you can talk your tongue away. Fifteen minutes Detention after class."

"But Professor, I wasn't exactly talking on my own now was I?!"

"That's an extra fifteen minutes. Do you want to make it an hour?" I felt my face become warm from anger before replying

"No sir." At that, Professor Magnus continued with the lesson. I glared at my laptop screen and muttered under my voice.

"Jerk." Obviously directing this at Alaster, but when I turned to see what he was doing. His features were so tense. His square jaw-line was tensed and his hands were clutched in to fists in an attempt to keep himself calm. Was he angry at Magnus for giving me detention? That was really strange. Ignoring the anger pulsating from the left of me I continued with taking notes of the lesson.

The lecture hall emptied quite fast and I was left there, with my laptop ready to sit a half an hour in detention, but professor Magnus was down at the bottom of the class, talking to Alaster, or at least he was talking but Alaster looked like he was shouting at him, threatening him. That guy is so strange..but hot! I glared at my subconscious, even though I knew she was right. Looking down at the two men, Alaster gave me a glance before walking out of the classroom, and professor Magnus took off his glasses before heading towards me. I shifted in my seat as he got closer, feeling quite uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Kaitlen... Why do you interrupt my class? Do you like seeing me angry? I thought you were a good girl?" I tried to reply but my mouth went as dry as the desert and nothing could come out.

"I asked you a question: Do you like seeing me angry?" his face was inches from mine. not being able to give an audible reply, I just shook my head. Professor Magnus smiled at me as if he was enlightened to information that I did not know of. I wanted to move but I was paralyzed. His big hand trailed over my shoulder, and down my arm.

"Oh how humans are so fragile. So easy to manipulate. Say, katilen, look into my eyes." I resisted as his hand trailed down even more now on my waist making its way to my inner thigh. I wanted to scream, I wanted this man's hands off of me

" I said, look into my eyes." he said through gritted teeth. unwillingly My eyes floated up to his. His eyes seemed intoxicating, pupils huge and diluted, opened wide and obviously enjoying the mortified look I had on my face.

Why can't I move? Whats happening to me? Help, someone help me...

"NO one is here to help you Kaitlen! you can't move because I have induced a form of paralysis that only I can do. Why is that, you ask? Because I am not human, and you seem to be a valuable jewel to Our very own Alaster... Oh how humans are so ignorant as to what goes on around them." Professor Magnus started looking like a crazy person as he carried on, that's when I saw his eyes slowly turning red. I was terrified. Professor Magnus spoke, but more to himself.

"Destroy all that the forbidden one loves, to help him turn to our side.... That is my mission." lifting his hands off me I still sat there, unable to move a single muscle. Magnus paced in front of me talking to himself in a hushed voice.

"But master, now is the time... This could be the key to turning him...She is right in our clutches, lets strike now!.... Ah so you're saying we should let the bond between them grow and once he proclaims his love, we kill her, turning him to our side... As always you are smarter than me ..." Magnus turned towards me with a wry smile before he spoke.

"Looks like He has other plans for you... I'm not going to kill you just yet" tears started to stream down my face, still not able to move or speak.

" Unfortunately our fun must come to an end, but I will have you soon. mark these words." He lifted his hand up placed in on my face, everything going black as I lose consciousness

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