chapter 15

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"Come one Alaster. Speak! What the hell is going on here?!" I demanded in an angry voice. Even though he shared his secret with me he was still keeping things from me.
"What are you talking about?" He asked truly confused. I walked over to my bed and grabbed the book before ramming it into his chest. He grabbed ahould of the book and read the title before glancing towards me with a I can explain Look on his face.
"Well. Did you lnow about this book?" I asked. Alaster remained quiet.
"Dammit Alaster. You mght be half angel half demon. But if you dont start sharing what you are hiding from me I swear to God I will hurt you and I wont need no athemei to do it!" Even I flinched at the one of my voice.
"Kaitlen. Its not my place to twll you... Only the elders ca-"
"Fuck the elders! Tell me now!"
"Im sorry... I cant..." He replied softly. My face fell as I said.
"Fine... Get out." Grabbing the book out his hand and turned around.
"I said get out Alaster!" I basically shovwd him out thw door before slamming it ahut in his face.

He made me so I just couldnt look at him right now. He was keeping secrets from me after all I have been through... I had to find answers, and there was only one way to do that.

"Befriend the enemy." I said to myself before walking out my dorm out to campus...

I found myself in front a quaint dorm room with the number 1402 on it. I had done some snooping around and asked people where Taylor's room was and found my self here. Hesitantly I hovered my hand above the door before knocking on the door. As the impact of the knock hit the door it creaked open. I glanced around to see if anyone was around before carefully entering the dorm room.

What was I thinking... I was in thw dorm room of the guy that tried to kill me a month or so ago... Now I wanted to ask him questions?... I had to get ou of there.

As I turned, heading for the door my face slammed into a hard chest. My heart practically stopped beating when I realized who it was...

"Taylor..." I muttered before looking up and seeing a beaten up face with a few cuts on his face. He looked terrible. The obvious work of Alaster.
"Well isnt this a pleasant surprise... The prey makin the predators job much easier." He said cynically.
I felt truly afraid, but I knew I couldn't show my fear. So I straightened my posture before stating.
"I need to ask you a few questions and you are going to answer them." Taylor took a step closer and I a step back before replying.
"And why would I want to do that? Whats stopping me to not kill you right now? "
" I have sent over eighty messages as to where my whereabouts are. So if you do. You wouldnt be a free man after. You would be on death row. Besides, Alastet wouldnt tell me and Im desperate to know the truth..." This seemed to strike a cord in him... He obviously knee what I was going to ask because after I said that he replied.
"Oh so he didnt tell you..." He went to go sit on his bed before conituing.
"Well in that case. I will be more than happy to share with you this information."

I took a deep breath before reachin into my backpack and taking out the book written by my father and handing it to him.
"What can you tell me about this book?" I asked him. He grasoed the book in his hand and examined it.
" Well for one, its written by your father." He said as if it wasn't strange that he knew this information.
"Secondly. This is why He was killed. He exploited the secrets of our existence and many people did not appreciate this. They though keeping him and his family around was sloppy so they tried to kill you all by sabotaging the car your dad drove.Although... For some reason you miraculously survived. Or was it even so meraculous? You were unconscious when it happened but Alaster was the one that saved you. He dragged you away from the burning car... Forbidden ones dont age the same as nephillim... The live to become one thousad years old. Alaster has been twenty two for the past 100 years. Anyways... Your car accident that took your families life was not a car acciden at all. It was a bunch of pissed of demons that were mad at your father for exposing their secrets." He seemed to enjoy tellin me this story...
"How did my dad know about all these things?" i asked him. He looked at me square in the eyes before replying.
"Oh sweetheart your father was the archangel Gabriel that traded his wings in for love and a family. Unfortunately when he did that. He also traded in his immortality." He kept quiet before continuing.
"I would have imagined Alaster would have told you this. I mean, Alasters father led the attack against your father..."

Wait... What?!


Heyy! Look I know its been a while since Ive updated. Im so sorry but I had writters block for a while. Hope you like this tho...

Thanks for reading


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