Chapter 7

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I have been in my room all day since the Alaster insident... I needed to fetch my shower stuff out of the bathroom.

"What if I bump into him again? What do I say? Do I mention the kiss? Or do I make as if nothing happened..." My voice echoed through the room. The police had taken all Elena's things for their investigation so the room felt docile,cold and un-homey...I wonder everyday what happened to her. Maybe Alaster has something to do with her dissapearance... What could he have to do with it. He's weird and mysterious, but a kidnapper and possible murder, I highly doubt that. Lost in my own thoughts I barely heard the knock on the door until the third time the person knocked. I stared at the door bemused, wondering who on earth would knock on My door. I shuffled over towards the door and slowly opened it. My eyes were averted towards the ground. Slowly looking up, the person in front of me became clear. It was Alaster, he was wearing a torn washed out jean, and a tight fitting white shirt. His hair was a hot mess and his eyes seemed as if they were searching mine. Keeping my face free from emotion I simply closed my eyes and asked.

"What do you want?"My eyes flicked open as I realized how hostile I sounded. Alaster seemed just as shocked as I am that he was by my dorm room.

"I-I came to give you your things. You left them in the showere after-" Alaster closed his eyes, stared at the ground as if he regreted what he had done. He looked so vulnerable... So soft and innocent, all the hardness and pompousness went out the window.

"Alaster, look. What happened in the bathroom was-"

"Please don't say it was a mistake.... Because it wasn't. I meant the kiss Kaitlen. The only reason why I've been such an ass towards you was because I like you. From the first day I saw you. I knew you were different, and I just had to have you for myself. When you were in detention I was so worried that he... I have been trying to protect you, and make sure you are never sad. Then one day you just don't show up in class, for the next two weeks in fact. I thought you had gone missing like... Please Kaitlen, don't shut me out. Let me in. Let us talk, and if at the end of the talk you still think I'm a arrogant pompous ass then fine. I will leave you alone. Please just one chance is all I'm asking for..." So this was Alaster begging. It was quite a amusing image. All he wanted to do was talk. Okay I can give him that at least... Stepping out of the way I unblocked the path into my dorm room. Alasters face lit up imediately, as if he was a child that was sad and his parents bought him a new toy to feel better .

"Okay, Alaster. You wanna talk. Start by explaining your accent. What's the deal with that?" I felt pretty ballsy now that I was the one in control.

Alaster looked up at me surprised at my question, before letting out a child like chuckle.

"Well, I was born in the UK. My parents couldn't look after me so they placed me in a box on a porch infront of the orphanage. I don't really know who my real parents are, but when I was 13 an american family had visited the adoption agency and fell in love with me the moment they saw me. I never really lost the accent, instead it intergrated itself with the American Accent."Wow... That was a quite sad story.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. You've had a pretty messed up life."

"Not really. Although when I was eight, the children at the orphanage used to tease me about my silver hair. I didn not know why I was born so different. Then one morning I woke up and this birthmark had appeared underneath my eye, which gave them fuel to tease me even more. But enough about me... Why did you choose cultural studies as your degree?" Feeling a little nervous now I glanced down at my fingers slowly playing with them.

"Well.... My mother was a novelist she wrote amazing books, but when she gave birth to me, she didn't have enough time on her hands to carry on writing. When I was ten I decided to try the whole writing thing, and it worked out for me. It was a silly story about elves and dragons and vampires falling in love with elves, having a mix bread child. Yeah I know, sounds quite silly." Alasters eyes lit up from the moment I started speaking. He got up from the bed shuffled towards me, inches away from my face.

"I think that would have made an amazing story." My heart rate picked up to the speed of sound as Alasters hand trailed across my cheek.

"So did my mom... The day I showed her my story, we all got in an accident. I somehow survived the crash...they.... Did not." Pulling my body against his, his colone was almost intoxicating, yet addictive.

"I'm so sorry Kaitlen." With our bodies so close to each other I could feel his heart pounding just as fast as mine. I looked into his ice blue eyes, yearning for his kiss again. I like him too, but Magnus said. I know, I won't let him fall in love with me. I will just keep it at like. Alaster searched my face as if asking a silent question, and as if in a reply I slowly stood on my tip toes and enveloped my lips over his. The kiss was steady, until it picked up spead and turned into a passionate kiss. Alaster explored my mouth with his tongue. Pushing away from where I was standing I pulled Alaster by his hand as I layed down on the bed and pulled him on top of me before continuing our embrace.

Don't get to close Kaitlen.... Don't Fall in love...

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