Chapter 9

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I woke up, it was dark all around me., and I was still by the small coffee shop just outside of Vancouver. My head was throbbing with a killer headache, with sticky liquid on the top of my forehead. I must have hit my head real bad. Reaching for my phone I unlocked it to see if anyone tried to get hold of me, and someone did. Alaster Had called me one hundred times, leaving fifty voice messages, geez, we only got together one night and he's already so controlling and possessive. I pressed the re-dail button and the phone only rang twice before Alasters voice boomed through my phone speaker.

"Where the hell are you?! I've been trying to get a hold of you all day! Why haven't you answered!?" My head hurt, and he wasn't making it any easier.

"I'm just outside of town, do you mind picking me up. I missed the bus back in to town by a few hours." I replied bemused with my surroundings and the darkness. A sigh echoed through my phone speaker before he replied.

"Where outside of town are you?" Glancing up at the. Coffee house sign, neon lights shone bright in my eyes as I read.

"I'm outside of Petite coffee house, there is a big neon sign spelling it out to you. You won't miss it."

"Okay, stay where you are. I'll be there in ten."

Before I could reply he hung up. I do not know how he was going to get here in ten minutes, it take at least an hour by bus, probably a half an hour by car.

Ten minutes later, a harley davidson pulled up in front of me. The driver climbed off the bike and handed me a helmet. Eyes wide open I stared at the bike.

"I-I'm not getting on that thing!" Alaster still had his helmet on as he replied.

"Do you wanna spend all night here in the cold by a coffee house, or do you wanna spend it in your bed?" Knowing he had a point, I reluctantly pulled the helmet over my head, climbed on the bike, and wrapped my arms around Alasters torso.

"Hold on." He said, before the engine roared to life and we sped away from the coffee house. No wonder he got here so fast. The wind stung my bare arms as we sped down the road back to campus. Luckily it wasn't that late, so no campus rules were being broken. My head still hurt and the cut on my forehead started to sting, no doubt because it was dirty.

In no time we pulled up in front of my campus block and the engine was turned off. Turning to Alaster, I handed him the helmet before saying.

"Thanks for the ride. Now, if you would excuse me I have a bed that is calling out my name." I turned on my heal and started for my dorm room before Alaster called out to me.

"Kaitlen wait." Sleepily I turned around, and to my surprise, Alaster was right beside me.

"I want to make sure you get in okay." Rolling my eyes at this I sleepily mumbled.

"Alaster, its not like some ninjas are going to come and ambush me on my way to my dorm. I don't need an escort."

"Kaitlen, you disappeared for a whole day then at nine at night you call me asking me to pick you up in front of a coffee house that is practically in the middle of nowhere, I find you with a cut on your forehead and now you have the audacity to be snappy with me. Now I am going to make sure you get in bed okay, even if I have to pick you up over my shoulder and drag you there myself." This side of Alaster made me laugh, I didn't know why I found it funny, but soon after I found myself in a fit of giggles.

" I'd like to see you tr-" Before I could finish my sentence I was lifted up over alasters shoulder, and the ground in front of my eyes started to move.

"Hey! Put me down!" I tried to protest in my previous fit of giggles, but quickly shut my mouth as I felt a swat on my backside before hearing Alaster say.

"Stop squirming, or else I'm going to drop you!" Surprised by this action I did not protest any further, but just enjoyed the ride. Not long after I heard a door open. Alaster walked a few steps before, suddenly I went flying onto my bed. I stared up at Alaster, who looked quite amused by my dumbfounded expression, although it quickly went away as he glanced over to my cut on my forehead. The room was eerily quiet before Alaster spoke.

"What happened to you today? Why were you at that coffee house?" I racked my brain trying to figure it all out, but I couldn't remember.

"Well I remember getting a text from my aunt to meet her for coffee at the coffee house, when I got there I must have tripped and fell over something and hit my head pretty hard. I woke up and it was dark, that's when I called you. That's all I can remember..." It felt like there was a giant gap in my mind, like I've forgotten something really important. Alaster looked at me as if I was hiding something.

"Well, that settles it then. I'm spending the night." He said matter of factly. My eyes widened with volume at these words.

"You can't do that! This... This is my room! You have to go back to yours!"I protested but failed when he spoke again.

"You avoid me for 2 weeks for god knows what reason. Then when I see you again, we kiss and then the next day, you disappear off the face of the earth. I'm not letting you out of my sight!" Alaster sounded very serious as he said those words, his eyes seeming determined.

"Stalker..." I whispered under my breath. Alaster smiled at me before replying more to himself than to me.

"Oh you have no idea."

Climbing off the bed I removed my jeans so that I was only in my t-shirt and hot pants, before climbing into bed. Not long after, Alaster joined in beside me.

"You better keep your hands to yourself mister!" I stated, trying to sound as threatening as possible. Alasters cynical chuckle echoed through the room before replying

" I make no promises." At that the room fell quiet and I fell into a deep sleep... A very deep sleep, and all I could see was red eyes staring back at me, and the same words repeated over and over.

"Destroy what he loves, and he will turn."

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