chapter 3

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It was evening by the time i Had headed to my dorm room. Elena was not in so I decided to go take a shower. I was very sceptical about the whole unisex bathroom. I did not want some strange guy walking in to the bathroom while I was naked. Heading to my closet i took out my shower slippers and my gown and a towel. Heading out in the hallway i was relieved when there was no one outside their rooms. I headed down the hall way, lost in the thought of that guys glacier blue eyes, and his weird looking hair. Silver hair, how is that even possible. and why on earth does he find it so amusing to pick on me like seriously. Now in front of the bathroom door i opened it slowly to make sure there was no one inside. And luckily it was completely empty. Heading to the shower on the far right i quickly turned on the tap and discarded my clothes and welcomed the calming cascade of water down my body. This is exactly what i needed after such a long day. here there was no one to judge me with their eyes or make inner comments on how i look or how i am such a loser. this was so to speak, my happy place. I didn't have to worry about that rude, obnoxious prat.

Rinsing my hair from the shampoo that i had in my hair, i felt a weird feeling of being watched. I opened my eyes and a waterfall of soap washed into my eyes. I squealed in pain as i headed out of the shower to get my towel and wiped the soup out of my eyes. Greatful for the towels service i sighed in relief. the relief turned to shock as I opened my eye and saw Icy blue eyes and a head of silver hair staring at me. My body went ice cold and i just stood there, naked in front of the guy that finds it amusing to tease, push and hit me. Well he didn't exactly hit me. He just flicked my nose, and it was sore. But that's besides the point. He is right in front of me, and I am but naked.

"GET THE FUCK OUT, YOU ASSHOLE!" I quickly wrapped the towel around me,grabbed him by the ear and pulled him out of the bathroom. As we got to the door i used all my might and pushed him out, hearing him laugh uncontrollably before i shut the door behind me. Redder than a tomato I stood there, exasperated and beyond embarrassed. I was a totally different person when someone embarrassed me in this sense. I became a mean, violent person who doesn't care who you are if you crossed my line of embarrassment. I let out a sigh of exasperation before heading back to the shower.

fifteen minutes later i had headed out of the bathroom and was heading back to my dorm room. the hall way was silent until i heard the all to familiar cynical chuckle echo in my ears.

"What do you want valentine?" i asked, with annoyance palpable in my question. I carried on walking until i felt a tight grip around my wrist forcing my to swing around and face him.

"did you know.... You have the body of a porn star?" he said with a evil grin across his face. My mouth dropped open at the comment. Who the hell is this guy. My face turned red, but not from embarrassment but from anger.

"listen here you obnoxious, arrogant pompous ass. I don't care who you are but enough is enough. i am a human being and I will be treated as such, so you will stop treating my like your play thing and you will start treating me with respect. I might be a small, shy person that doesn't really stand up for herself. But i will not stand it when a guy like you tries and rips away my dignity. So its up to you. Either you start treating me with respect or you will have me as your enemy, and trust me when i declare someone my enemy my claws come out and i will make it my personal mission to destroy you! you got me?!" Woah.... what got into me. I've never reacted like that to anyone, yet it felt so liberating... But didn't seem to affect him because when i blinked and looked at him again he was laughing uncontrollably. So much so that he even started crying from laughter. Annoyed by his presence I let out a deep groan in my throat, ripped my arm out of his grip and stomped off towards my dorm room. He was so irritating and uhg! No words could describe how much he infuriated me. After a few steps i heard him call out.

" Alaster." I stopped a second turned around and said

"what are you talking about?" He wiped the happy tears away from his eyes before continuing.

"This obnoxious, arrogant, pompous ass' name is Alaster. Alaster Angelos valentine." He was now staring at me square in the face. His blue eyes staring into my soul. Frozen in my step I processed his name, but then shook it off turned on my heel and said.

" I don't care. leave me alone!" I headed around the corner so fast it seemed as if i was running. Greatful that my dorm room wasn't that far i rushed over to my room. Opened then door headed in and saw it was still empty. elena must have went out with someone. The room was dark, cold and lonely. Although i welcomed the scene. After such a long day today, I really need some alone time. Professor Magnus gave us homework, to write an essay on one of the most well known philosopher, Nicolas Flamel. I started with the essay and before i knew it, it was Ten at night. Deciding that i had done enough work for the night i climbed in bed, closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to dream land.

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