Chapter 13: Can't Spell 'Funeral' Without 'Fun'

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"We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of the beloved Amy Rose."

"Amen!! Hallelujah!!" Some guy yelled in response, shooting his pistol three times into the ceiling of the gym. He then immediatley tore out of the room, leaving everyone sitting in shock for a moment.

Several days had passed since Amy had been poisoned. Everybody in the school had collected in the gym to throw some kind of makeshift funeral. Shadow wasn't sure why they couldn't do the ceremony in a nicer place, but he supposed it was the thought that counts. No funerals had been thrown for any of the others, likely because little to no one was aware they were dead.

Seated around the front row of seats between the frowning Tails and loudly-sobbing Knuckles, the black-and-red hedgehog chewed his lip in silence as Orbot continued his typical funeral dialog on the stage. The red circular robot somehow appeared to be crying during his speech while Cubot patted his metallic back harshly and loudly whisper-yelled unintelligible, supposedly-comforting words to him. Robotnik was nowhere in sight.

A couple seats down from where Shadow sat, he could hear Cream and Silver crying in squeaky little sobs and sniffles. Blaze sat between them, rubbing both of their shoulders comfortingly.

". . . Would anyone like to come up and say a few words?" Orbot inquired as he finished his speech, tucking his note cards into the gaping pocket of his too-big tuxedo. Shadow's ear flicked as he heard several Mobians from around the room stand.

The first to go up was Cream. Her Chao was with her, painted black to represent sorrow, while Cream herself donned a lacy black nightgown. A bit of an odd choice in Shadow's opinion, but he figured she wouldn't have any proper funeral attire given that she was six and didn't even have a proper semi-formal outfit for the dance that was held several weeks ago.

"Um . . . I may not have known Amy for that long! But, um, she was my best friend and I really really miss her and I would do literally anything to bring her back to life right now!" Before the young rabbit could continue speaking, she exploded into tears and whimpered so loud she could have broken the sound barrier if she only pushed herself slightly further. Cubot ushered her off the stage and the next person calmly walked up to the microphone.

"Amy Rose was a loving friend, and a brilliant student. I only had to tutor her three times this year." Blaze spoke, her hands gripping each side of the microphone so tightly she could probably snap it. "She made so many people's lives better, including mine. Although my life has always been pretty great so she didn't make too much of a difference."

Shadow frowned. Blaze didn't seem to be very good at being sentimental, but at least she was trying.

"One time when we were out in public, she saw a random old man who was covered in cactus spikes just peacefully crossing the road and she screamed and ran towards him, thinking it was Sonic. She accidentally knocked him into oncoming traffic." Blaze chuckled fondly as if she were discussing a cute fun memory. "Oh, and then there was that time she annoyed me so much I set her house on fire as a warning that if she didn't shut up I would burn her too. Good times." She sighed, her eyes closing calmly as a serene smile graced her face.

"Okay, maybe this is a good time to bring up someone else to talk--" Orbot stated nervously, approaching the pyrokinetic cat who was now glaring at him with the intensity of a thousand suns. "I don't see anyone else standing up." She commented threateningly, and the red robot trembled and raised his hands defensively before submissively backing away with a lowered head.

"Objection, your majesty!" Knuckles yelled, standing roughly as tears streamed down his face. "I am standing up, and I would like to say a few words!"

Suddenly gaining confidence thanks to the encouraging echidna, Orbot lunged forward and dragged the feral Blaze off the stage. Knuckles waltzed up to the microphone, wiping his tears on the front of his stretched, worn tuxedo. Didn't he wear that to the dance? Shadow wondered. And wasn't it brand new at the time??

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