Chapter 5: Food Fight with a Side of Conviction

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Shadow and Cream passed Initiation no problem. It was the image of Sticks' lifeless body that haunted their minds after the fact, and made Shadow question why he even bothered with Initiation. He didn't need them, anyway, but a small part of him had reminded him of Rouge's words.

After the weekend ended, they returned to school feeling more vulnerable than ever. Maybe now that they shared the secret of being the only ones to see Sticks' body, they would watch out for each other fully. If one person was killed for no apparent reason, that meant any one of them could be next. Something told Shadow that he was going to be stuck there for a long time unless he stopped whoever had killed Sticks.

When Shadow arrived at Science class in the morning, he took his usual seat beside Amy and Sonic. The teacher didn't come in for quite a while, so the class was left to talk amongst themselves.

"Shadow, I have an idea." Amy whispered from his left, leaning close to him. Her emerald green eyes met his own, and a small grim smile crossed her face. "D'you know about the Chaotix Detective Agency?" She asked, cupping her hands around her mouth. Shadow gave a brief nod, then awaited for her next sentence.

"They're self-proclaimed professionals. They've never actually solved a case, and they also founded the Nancy Drew Fan club."

Shadow kept his face straight, emotionless. "How would they help us if they've never actually solved a case?" He asked, rubbing his thumb against his inhibitor ring on his opposite arm.

Amy shrugged, a lazy smile creeping onto her face. She seemed to have recovered surprisingly quickly for a person who found their friend dead in a janitor's closet the previous night.

The PA system clicked on, and there was a brief pause before Principal Robotnik said anything.

"Good morning students. As you might have noticed, one of our students has been missing since Saturday. If you have seen Sticks the Badger, please contact the office or the police immediately. Her parents are worried. On a happier note, the first school dance is coming up! Orbot, care to share the details?"

Shadow and Amy exchanged a nervous glance. Nobody but them knew Sticks was dead, and the body was gone. Shadow's gut began to twist, and somehow he knew that things were going to get a lot worse before they got better.

"Thank you, Robotnik. The Back to School Semi-Formal Celebratory School Dance, otherwise known as the B.T.S.S.F.C.S.D, will be this upcoming Wednesday starting at 6 p.m. It is a semi formal event, hence the name, so break out your wedding dresses and dead relative's tuxedos and prepare to dance and party. We will also also be hosting a raffle where you can buy tickets to get a prize. This year's prize will be announced at the party, and the winner will be announced at the end of the night."

Amy's face lit up with excitement. "Do you think Sonic will ask me to the dance?" She whispered to Shadow, leaning closer with anticipation.

He studied her face for a moment. "Do you want the honest answer, or the one that will make you happy?"

She froze. "One more thing, students!" Robotnik chirped through the speaker. "Food fights in the cafeteria are prohibited! If you are caught throwing food at someone, you will be sent to detention. Immediately. Or jail, I haven't really decided yet." The PA system shut off a moment later.

Shadow's face twisted. "Why would there be a food fight? That's kind of random. Can he see into the future or something?" He asked, even though he knew it wasn't possible. Robotnik may have had an IQ of 300, but he wasn't competent enough to catch a glimpse of the future with his own two eyes.

"Wait, what did you mean by the 'honest' answer?" Amy said, her face twitching slightly. Shadow turned away from her in silence, and continued to rub at a dirty spot on his left inhibitor ring.

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