Chapter 6: The B.T.S.S.F.C.S.D.

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The next two school days flew past. Nothing really happened, apart from the recurring memory of seeing Sticks' body in the janitor's closet. For some reason it didn't affect them too badly at first, but as time went on they started to see her ghost wherever they went. Which was basically just school. After a while, they realized that they weren't seeing her ghost and they were actually just seeing Marine who looked very similar despite being a different animal.

Shadow sat on the ledge by his window, the beams of sunlight streaming through as he shut his eyes and let himself bathe in the light. School had ended not long ago, and he spent his time before having to go to the dance just relaxing. He wasn't sure why he was bothering to attend, but if it wasn't for the group begging for him to come he might have had different feelings about it.

There was a soft knock at his bedroom door. He stood from where he sat on the window seat, walking across the room and reaching for the doorknob. He twisted it, tugging lightly on the piece of wood and letting his eyes deceive him for a moment for it was Sticks' body on the ground in front of him.

His hands fell to his sides as he stared into those wide eyes, the ones that gazed emptily at the ceiling—

"Uh, Shadow? You good bro?" Tails asked, shattering the hallucination with a wave of his hand in front of Shadow's eyes.

His eyes shot to Tails', his sudden panic shrinking. Tails stared at him for a moment, observing. "You saw her. I could see it in your expression." He said, a wash of sadness flashing on his fuzzy face.

Shadow said nothing as Tails placed a hand on his shoulder and guided him to the main foyer of the house. They both sat down on two sofas facing each other, a depressing vibe flooding the room.

After a moment of silence came and went, Tails cleared his throat and heaved himself out of the sofa. "C'mon, we have to get ready for the dance. Since the author of this story forgot to make a chapter of us getting tuxedos, two of them just randomly appeared in my room and I think they will fit us perfectly." He said, forcing a smile as he rotated his twin tails and flew to his bedroom.

Hesitating, Shadow watched in his peripheral vision as Tails opened his door and revealed the two tuxedos splayed across his bed. He fully turned his head, and suddenly became extremely confused as he realized that there was only trees and metal poles emerging out of the floor, and no bed or tuxedos. I've been here for a week and I still haven't seen his room yet. Shadow realized, standing and walking to the door frame.

He glanced inside, staring with his jaw dropped wide open as he took in the jungle of a bedroom Tails lived in. Everything in the room was contained within the large silo-shaped glass room, from trees to fire poles to even a small volcano that—from the pool of lava coating the majority of the floor—was obviously legit.

He craned his neck, tilting his head upwards as he shut his mouth to hide his shock.

"Up here!" Tails yelled from far above, spiraling slowly downwards with his helicopter-style propeller tails. He grabbed Shadow's hands, lifting him off the ground and flying them upwards towards a decent-sized circular platform which held a bed, a desk and a mini fridge.

"I've got the best suit for a bad boy™ like you," Tails said loudly as he rifled through the mini fridge. He pulled out one of the tuxedos and handed it to Shadow after receiving a weird look. The tuxedo was damp and cold in Shadow's hands, and it smelled like ham.

Tails threw his own tuxedo on the ground and then dived down into it and popped back up with the suit on him.

Shadow raised a nonexistent brow, then examined the moist tux in his hands. "Why was this in your fridge? And why is it wet?" He asked with a concerned expression.

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