Chapter 7: Night of Bloodshed and Bodies

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Rouge and Shadow emerged into the gym. Rouge seemed relieved to know that Shadow was okay, but Shadow's emotions were far from relief. One thing was for sure: Scourge was insane.

As him and Rouge approached the rest of the gang, the image of Sticks drifted forwards in his mind as well as the recollection of that deadly gleam in Scourge's eyes. Wait, did Scourge—

Tails smacked a hand down on Shadow's shoulder. "There you are! Glad you're alright. Hey, you know how you and Amy suggested we ask the Chaotix for help? They're going out to a club or something after the dance and invited us to come along. I don't think it's legal since we're all underage except Vector, but we should be fine." He exclaimed, breaking Shadow from his train of thought. "Wanna come?" Tails asked, and Shadow nodded hesitantly.

Silver smiled at Shadow as they started to walk towards the door. "Hey, you could take your new motorcycle and meet us there with it! I don't know if you can actually drive it, but I guess you can try!" He said, turning and facing Blaze instead after a moment.

The large group exited the gym and walked to Shadow's locker where he tugged out the motorcycle. "Wow, that thing's like a clown car. If my locker was like that I'd probably live in there. HA HA! Ha! Ha." Sonic exclaimed, laughing awkwardly as nobody paid any attention to him except Amy who stood very close despite the events of the evening.

Cream slid forwards, licking her lips as she took in the sight of the bike. "Is it cake? I've seen so many pictures and videos of cakes that look like not cake." She said, then attempted to bite the side before Shadow could object. "No. That's definitely a real motorcycle." She said after a moment, wiping her chin then taking a bite of her Twinkie outfit to cleanse her mouth from the taste of the paint.

The group walked outside, and they gathered in a circle near the car they arrived in. It looked like it had blown up at some point during the dance, since there was only a singed metal frame left. "Wow. Sucks that I don't have insurance." Sonic said calmly, poking the frame and watching as it crumbled into a pile of dust.

"Is that cake?" Cream asked, nearly diving down to lick the pile but Tails grabbed her and pulled her back. "No. Do not eat that." He said, seeming disappointed that he actually had to tell someone not to eat a pile of burnt car dust.

Everybody joined hands as Shadow used Chaos Control to warp them all—including the motorcycle and some random bird that had sat on Knuckles' cowboy hat that he for some reason wore to the dance—to the club. Shadow didn't know where he was warping them to, but due to the author's laziness they conveniently appeared in front of their destination.

Shadow left the motorcycle outside the door as they all entered the club.

Shadow wasn't surprised that the music and lights were even more intense than they were at the dance, and it was starting to give him a headache. He just wanted to go home. He hadn't realized until that very moment that he had a lot to process.

The group danced to the music, and eventually Shadow broke free and walked over to the sparsely-crowded bar. Vector, Espio and Charmy were already seated as Shadow took a spot next to them. Mighty also sat with them, looking slightly bored.

"Hi." Shadow said awkwardly as they all stared at him in silence. "Yo it's Shadow the hedgy, they say he's king of bein' edgy!" Vector spat, swinging his arms around him and accidentally knocking a bunch of drinks out of the arms of the person behind him.

"I was wondering if you could help us solve a murder." Shadow spoke calmly as Charmy spat out his drink and Espio choked on a peanut.

"Wait, you actually have a serious case for us!? Are you going to pay?" Espio asked after coughing up the peanut and staring at it as it rested on the bar.

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