Chapter 4: 24-Hour Challenge!

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The next few days flew by swiftly, as Shadow attended more of his classes and repeatedly got kicked in the butt by Sticks and her 'uncontrollable leg disease'. Sonic continued to hit on him, while Knuckles and Rouge seemed to grow closer.

By the time school was over on Friday, Shadow was beginning to grow bored of this version of Mobius. He missed working as a G.U.N agent with Rouge and Omega at his side—

Omega. Shadow still hadn't found out anything about his whereabouts, yet he felt like he knew exactly where he was at the same time. Since it appeared that everyone who was at the New Year's party either was enrolled in the school or worked there or something, Omega had to show up at some point.

As Shadow sat on the ledge by the window, he watched the rain pour all over the street and Tails' front lawn. Distantly, he heard thunder after catching a quick glimpse of a strike of lightning.

The door to his room opened, and without looking he knew that the whole group was there. "Hey Shadow!" They all chirped in unison, as if they had it fully planned out. He turned around, letting his legs dangle over the side of the window seat as he watched them sit down on his bed without his permission.

"For Initiation, I hope you don't mind that Cream is joining us too. I don't know why, but she seems really desperate to hang out with us." Amy said, the others nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, that's fine." Shadow spoke softly, listening to the rain outside as it fell heavier and heavier as the seconds passed.

"Are you nervous or something?" Knuckles asked, adjusting his cowboy hat with his massive gloved fist.

Shadow shook his head, and looked back outside at the downpour.

"Okay. Well, we gotta go now while the school is still open, and we have to hurry if we want to pick up Cream on time too." Blaze said, standing from Shadow's bed and walking out his door. The rest of them followed, including Shadow after a moment of reconsideration but then ultimately deciding that he needed it.

They all filed into a tiny two-seat smart car, and since there were eight of them they had to all squish in and sit on top of each other.

Never mind. I should've stayed at Tails'. Shadow thought as the smart car rocketed across the road like it was shot out of a cannon. After a few seconds, they roughly skidded to a halt in front of a small homely accommodation Cream stood outside of. Sonic got out of the car and grabbed her by the ears, swinging her around and throwing her in before getting back in and speeding towards the school.

The school appeared after a moment, and Sonic didn't bother parking as he opened the door and rolled out of the vehicle. Everyone else began screaming and falling out of the car until everyone was laying on the pavement and the car crashed into a random brick wall just in the middle of the parking lot.

"We're running out of time—first test! Shadow, get us in there before those security guards lock the doors!" Sonic yelled, and before anyone could even blink Shadow had individually teleported everybody within the building.

"Well that was fun." Knuckles chuckled, glancing over at Rouge who was staring at Shadow with wide eyes. "How do you do that?" She breathed, an unclear expression on her face. After a moment, Shadow realized that she was dazzled.

"Okay guys, let's head to the hangout zone!" Sonic said as they began to wander through the school.

After a few minutes they arrived in a small area of the school with a fountain and several vending machines. "This spot's perfect!" Tails said, setting down one of many sleeping bags Shadow hadn't noticed beforehand. "Yeah! We've got our food source, the bathrooms over there are unlocked, and we've got an excellent source of water!" Knuckles exclaimed, drinking a scoop full of the fountain water before anyone could advise him not to.

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