Chapter 12: Interrogation & Paranoia

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Within minutes, Shadow had once again arrived at the Chaotix' trailer home in the Walmart parking lot. He stormed forward and immediately kicked in the door, fuming.

"Oh, hey Shadow. We're just trying out our new chocolate milk recipe. Get this—we're actually using chocolate this time. And milk." Vector smiled happily upon seeing Shadow enter. He failed to notice the anger radiating off of the hedgehog, even as he stormed forward and growled loudly in his face.

"What the hell was in that bottle?" Shadow hissed aggressively, grabbing the crocodile by the chain and roughly yanking him closer. The crocodile's happy face twisted into one of immense confusion as Shadow's breath met it.

"What're you talking about? You already know. It was the Truth Worms in water, from that nasty fountain at the school." Vector stated, although Shadow didn't buy it. The hedgehog bared his teeth, seething with rage.

"You killed her, you dolt!" He yelled, releasing Vector harshly and allowing him to stumble backwards and conveniently land in a chair at their tiny kitchen table.

"What are you talking about!? " Vector asked again, visibly extremely confused. "She's--she's dead?" He suddenly said, eyes widening as his spine stiffened.

Shadow ground his teeth and forced a slow nod, his angry eyes narrowed and focused on the crocodile before him who was now rapidly chugging the chocolate milk on the table and slumping further down in the seat.

"I . . ." Vector started, before stopping himself and covering his massive dripping mouth to the best of his ability with his hands. His white gloves were soon soaked with chocolate milk, and stained light brown.

"You did this. You must have poisoned the water, or tricked us entirely!" Shadow accused lowly, grinding his hands firmly into the table beneath him as he leaned closer to the reeling crocodile.

"Huh!? How could she possibly be dead!? Those truth worms are perfectly safe!!" Charmy screamed loudly, his fists curled into balls as he gritted his teeth while walls of tears exploded from his singular eyeball.

"Truth worms are parasites. They change the way your brain works. What part of that sounds safe to you?" Espio muttered from the nasty stained patchwork sofa less than a foot away from where Shadow stood at their table. He was fiddling with a few small plastic objects that Shadow couldn't really get a good look at. Charmy shuddered and took in a couple shaky breaths, the salty tears coating everything nearby.

Shadow stared at Charmy for a moment. "How much do you really know about those worms?" He growled, absently noting how Charmy's face lit up at Shadow's attention.

"Oh, wow!! You acknowledged my existence!! That hasn't happened in a while." Charmy squealed happily, before clearing his throat, wiping his tears and giving Shadow a proper answer. "Um, mainly just Google. Yeah. We looked it up." He said with a stupid smile.

Vector and Espio nodded. "Yeah. Uh, we, we made Charmy try some of that stuff from the same bottle too. Couple hours before you guys arrived here." Vector explained, gesturing to the bee who was sipping at his tiny plastic cup of chocolate milk that he was not holding a moment before.

"And look at him, he's completely fine." Espio added quickly as the bee choked on the milk and wheezed uncontrollably, spewing the brown liquid out everywhere as he gurgled and screamed dramatically. Shadow narrowed his eyes. "Uh-huh." He hummed, unimpressed.

"What exactly is your point here?" The hedgehog grumbled, his impatience bubbling like boiled water in a kettle. "We were probably sabotaged!" Vector exclaimed loudly with his arms thrown in the air, his voice cracking several times as a disbelieved look washed over his leathery face. He sniffled, but then stopped.

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