Chapter 16: Things Can Always Get Worse

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They sold everything.

How!?!? Half of it didn't even look edible. Almost everything had that average hardboiled egg scent mixed in with the distinct choking atmosphere of intense hairspray and baby powder (they were out of powdered sugar. But what did they even need that for in the first place!?) and what was unmistakably a thick layer of asbestos flakes sprinkled ontop. Even on the eggnog.

Almost unsurprisingly, their top customer was Ivo Robotnik himself. He'd gotten more than half of the food stuck in his moustache rather than his actual mouth, which he seemed weirdly proud about even though it was actually kind of disgusting.

"I can't believe we really sold out!!" Cream cheered happily, clapping her hands together while jumping up and down on the concrete outside the school. Her poor shoes squeaked in pain and retaliation against the pavement each time they made contact.

Blaze and Shadow, the only two with her at the time, could only nod their agreement in an attempt to hide their repressed astonishment. Neither could form words, only trading wide-eyed glances with each other to convey their shared shock at the fact that they somehow managed to sell out. Neither of them needed to say it; there was an unspoken 'what the hell just happened' floating in the air between them that he was sure she could sense just as strongly as he could.

"I can't wait to tell Tails!! He's gonna be so excited, he already told me about that camping thing for team building and it's gonna be so fun and my mom already said I could go and--" Cream's monologue faded out of focus as the bus pulled up and Shadow groaned at the resurfacing memory that Sonic and Knuckles were the Mobians he had to stay with. You'd think he'd have gotten used to it by now. But alas, no he had not. The very thought of having to step foot into that substance-soaked carpet sent gigantic shivers down his spine that, to anyone else, would probably look like an earthquake that only he was experiencing.

"--from what I remember I think he told me we could do it over the weekend so that gives lots of time to bake some things to take along and to get a tent and sleeping bag and--" Shadow climbed onto the bus, shooting the clearly-intoxicated driver a mildly concerned glance as he swiftly shuffled down towards the back. Hopefully the bus didn't crash too intensely today, he didn't want to have to climb out of a completely crushed bus again like last Wednesday.

"--and I found this site online where you can basically order things online with a credit card or something so guess whose card I'm using for all of this--my mom's!! But it's okay because she said she was fine with it as long as she knows what I'm buying and--" Shadow internally groaned as he sat down and felt Cream plop down next to him on the concerningly warm leather seat. He didn't really feel like talking to anyone at the moment. Or listening. 

"--I'm just too excited for it, I can't wait, it's gonna be amazing!!" She squealed, kicking her feet and swinging her clenched fists up and down ecstatically as her speech finally ended.

After a moment, she violently twisted to face Shadow with wide eyes and an expression that reminded Shadow of children asking if you had games on your phone. "Are you excited, Shadow?" She asked in a Dora-esque tone, staring at him like an uncoordinated moth larva. 

He thought about it for a moment. A chance to get away from the murderous atmosphere of this current society, giving him the space to catch up on his thoughts and refresh his mind? Maybe run off to a secluded tree and enjoy a nice sleep unbothered by his unbearable roommates?

"Doesn't sound half bad." He admitted quietly, staring out the window as he heard Cream explode in happiness next to him. He tuned out her various 'yay's and 'that's amazing's as the bus pulled to a stop in front of Shadow's current living situation. Immediately shuffling off, he quickly turned back to face Cream as she yelled out to him, "Don't forget--we're starting the trip on Friday!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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