Chapter 11: Till Death Do Us Die

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Shadow wasn't surprised to find Amy at the park, clearly having skipped school for the day. Shadow figured it was because the people she considered friends had called her a murderer; just a hunch.

"Hello," Amy said calmly when she noticed him approaching her quietly. Her singular eyeball still looked sunken-in, and dark circles still remained beneath her eyes.

"You look terrible." Shadow stated plainly, not taking her feelings into consideration. Amy's dull eyes narrowed, her neutral features quickly shifting into irritation.

"You aren't gonna call me a murderer as well, are you?" The usually-cheerful hedgehog spoke bitterly, her expression practically shooting daggers at Shadow's face. Shadow didn't bother answering her question, or even acknowledging it at all.

"You missed a lot. The Chaotix seemingly stopped helping us, the rest of the group created a new restaurant named Infront Bonehole, and then they started a war with Scourge." Shadow said, and Amy's eyes widened slightly.

"Wow. Maybe it's a good thing I haven't been around too much." Amy sighed glumly, slumping down further onto the park bench she was seated upon. Shadow stared at her for a moment before shoving her to one side of the bench roughly and seating himself next to her.

"Have you heard anything from the Chaotix? They stopped talking to us recently—I haven't even seen them around much. Or at all, for that matter. They simply vanished." Shadow said, turning to look at the pink hedgehog.

"Nope. Haven't seen them." She replied quietly, not bothering to return his stare. "Maybe they didn't want to help a group of people that called their friend a murderer with no solid proof or evidence or anything at all ." She continued with a venomous sigh, pulling her knees up to her chest and hugging her thin legs.

"I asked them to prove that it wasn't you. It couldn't be you. You were there when we first found that badger girl. You were with us the whole time, it couldn't possibly be you." Shadow said, both his voice and face completely emotionless.

". . . Well, yeah, but Sonic and everyone else are just a bunch of idiots." Amy whispered, her lip trembling slightly at the mention of Sticks. Shadow bowed his head slightly, acknowledging her statement.

"Indeed they are." Shadow spoke calmly, observing how shaken-up Amy looked.

They sat in silence for several moments, although it wasn't awkward. In fact it was quite peaceful, with the slight breeze offering a comfortable cool embrace and the sound of birds faintly chirping in the trees. The park was practically empty save for the two hedgehogs on the bench, since everyone was likely still either at school or work.

"So . . . you said the Chaotix stopped helping?" Amy asked quietly, finally turning to glance at Shadow shyly as she broke the serene silence. Shadow gave a quick nod, emerald-green and blood-red eyes meeting.

"They haven't been to school in a while, from what I've seen. Never mind helping us." Shadow mentioned, and noticed Amy pulling herself into a proper sitting position and then standing up fully.

"Well . . . I doubt either of us have anything better to do. I guess . . . I guess we could try to look for them?" Amy offered with a weak smile, although it looked fairly depressing when combined with how tired she appeared. Shadow sat in silence for a moment, before standing up as well.

"I suppose so." He said, knowing it was a smart idea. For some reason the Chaotix were absolute idiots in this world, which made Shadow wonder if they could even defend themselves if something were to happen to them.

The two headed off, Amy taking the lead since she somehow knew her way around this version of Mobius. Shadow trailed behind her, not feeling like speaking. He was too busy thinking about everything that had happened, right back from where it all started at the chaotic New Year's party.

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