Chapter 1: The New Year's Eve Party

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It was your average Saturday evening at Sonic's place. Birds were chirping, the sun had just set and very few cars were on the road. Well, very few moving cars. If Shadow actually bothered to admire things like the beauty of nature and the silence of the roads, he would've had a better feeling of how the night was going to go. But as he thought about that last sentence, he realized it didn't even make any sense to begin with.

It just happened to be New Year's Eve, and Sonic had decided to hold the party at his house. A dumb decision in Shadow's opinion, as his house was the smallest out of their ever-expanding group of allies, or in Sonic's words, friends. He basically invited all of Mobius, so it was going to be difficult to—y'know— breathe.

As he approached Sonic's front lawn with Rouge and Omega at his side, he suddenly regretted purposely not bothering to show up until the party had already been going for an hour. He observed hundreds of cars lining the streets as he felt the music thundering from the humble abode, and instantly knew that he either should've arrived early or not arrived at all.

"Wow, sounds intense." Rouge remarked from his left, her ears twitching as Shadow heard an alarming amount of screams coming from inside. He didn't bother commenting as they walked up the path towards Sonic's front door, the brown wooden rectangle cracked and barely hanging onto the hinges.

"This-place-is-a-dump." Omega observed, his metallic body parts clinking as he shifted uncomfortably. Shadow squared his shoulders and reached for the doorknob, but once he realized there wasn't one he just ripped the door off the hinge and marched inside.

The trio squeezed into the room, deafening music roaring through their heads as hundreds of Mobians thrashed and danced as aggressively as possible.

"Who even are these half of these people!?" Rouge yelled over the music, taking flight and soaring above the crowd. Shadow and Omega squirmed through the crowd. Well, Omega actually just walked right through people and trampled a few. They arrived at a small clearing around a dinky table, adorned with refreshments and a stack of what must have been at least fifty boxes of pizza from Pizza Hut.

"He-was-supposed-to-get-Domino's." Omega said, disappointment somehow laced into his robotic tone. Shadow shook his head disapprovingly. A hand suddenly clamped onto his shoulder, catching his attention immediately. He turned his head to the side to see who it was.

"Shadow! My man! You actually made it! For, like, an hour, I didn't think you'd come!" Sonic laughed cheerily, his blue quills shaking spastically as he raised a cup of mysterious blue liquid to his mouth with his other hand. He grinned, the liquid not even entering his mouth and instead going everywhere else.

Shadow stumbled backwards as the liquid went flying. From above, Rouge flew down and scrunched her nose. "That's disgusting. Can't you just put it in your mouth like a normal person?" She shouted over the music and screaming.

Sonic's smile faltered, his hands shaking as he stared down at the cup. "Heh, this is my seventeenth one of these. I can't stop drinking! Or shaking! Please help!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and dropping the cup onto the floor. Shadow crossed his arms, his mind suddenly searching for an excuse to leave.

"Yer not thinking o' leaving, are you?" Knuckles shouted, emerging into the small circle of privacy in the building. Rouge grinned, and landed on the ground. "Not anymore." She said, a sly smile on her face as they met eyes.

"Y'know, th'party is pretty lit!" Knuckles slurred, holding up two of the cups of mysterious liquid. He handed one to Rouge when he stopped dancing, who downed the drink immediately. "I don' know whaz in this stuff, but it's making my head feel reeeeeal fuzzy! Like a soft fox!" He shouted, putting an arm around Rouge as Tails entered the circle too. "Ew, what?" He said, his arms folded as he narrowed his eyes.

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